in the Oise, the Bernanos hotel in Clermont helped by the Mission Stéphane Bern

Selected by the Heritage Foundation, the Bernanos hotel in Clermont (Oise) will receive help from the Stéphane Bern mission to be restored and allow its owners to open it to others.

By Justine Estève

On the place du Général-Leclerc in Clermontthis house at number 33 intrigues many Clermont residents. Hidden behind a large green door, the residence cannot be visited, to the great regret of many heritage lovers. Moreover, it is not uncommon for the owner of the place, Christelle, to find people in her garden.

“If I leave the gate open, while I unload groceries for example, people come in, she slips. Many believe the house is open to the public. It is perhaps the explanatory panel on Georges Bernanos in front of the house which makes them think this. »

But no, the curious are not supposed to walk through the door. In any case, not at the moment. This could well change in a few months or years. Because this residence, known to all under the name of the Bernanos Hotel, was chosen as part of the Bern mission of the Heritage Foundation.

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A rejuvenating house that has a “soul”

“There are 100 emblematic places chosen, one per department, and for Oise it was our house that was chosen”smile Christelle and Hervé, owners of the place since 2011. However, at the time, nothing predicted such a destiny for this building which immediately won them over.

They, who are used to the Parisian hustle and bustle as part of their respective professional activities, flashed in downtown Clermont and the calm offered by this building with its remarkable architecture:

This 16th century mansione century, known as the Bernanos Hotel, has, in fact, hosted other personalities before the author who gave his name to it.

“The house was not only the home of this famous writer, underlines Cécile Grange, deputy in Clermont in charge of culture. But also that of Charles Ledicte-Duflos, author of a history of the city of Clermont, of his grandson Frédéric Masson, perpetual secretary of the French Academy, historian of Napoleon 1isthen, of course, Georges Bernanos. »

“Restoring this house is our dream!” »

In this large house, the owners are thinking about many projects to restore its superb but also open it to the public and create links between generations. But all this has a cost and this slows down Christelle and Hervé. It was then that, by chance, the idea of ​​applying for the heritage lottery came to them.

“It was friends we met in Munich who first told us about it, remembers the mother. They found us so passionate about our house that they asked us why we didn’t file a file with the heritage foundation. In truth, until then, we had never thought about it. »

This conversation with their friends was a real trigger for the couple who quickly put together a case. “Restoring this house is our dream! This help can help us make it happen”the owners agree.

Heritage lottery: in the Oise, the Bernanos hotel in Clermont helped by the Mission Stéphane BernHeritage lottery: in the Oise, the Bernanos hotel in Clermont helped by the Mission Stéphane Bern
The work will focus on replacing the roof of the main house, the chimneys, and restoring the exterior joinery of the street side facade in order to prevent the fall of new stones and any danger for passers-by (© Heritage Foundation).

The objective for Christelle and Hervé is to restore its splendor to the place but also and above all to create links between people, of all generations, of all trades, whether during the work, by calling on local craftsmen, but also afterwards, when the house opens to the public. Because, in the minds of the owners, several ideas arise.

In particular, they want to organize guided tours of the house and garden, create an authors’ house and a coworking space in the old stables which are at the bottom of their garden. Furthermore, the couple acquired a plot of land, a 2,800 m² wooded park, which could be open to the public.

What envelope for the work?

The work could start at the beginning of 2025. Its planned completion is estimated at the end of 2027. This will involve reworking all the exteriors (roof, facade, openings, shutters of the house and outbuildings) as well as the renovations. painting and renovation of the staircase inside.

For the moment, the couple knows that their home was chosen by the heritage lottery. The total envelope that will be allocated to them for the work will be defined by the overall amount obtained thanks to the lotto draws as well as the scratch tickets that have been sold. For the moment, it is impossible to know how much Hervé and Christelle will benefit from their project.

“We have no idea how much we will receive and we won’t know until the end of the year. affirms Christelle. Either way it will be a great boost. » And perhaps the couple will have the privilege, in addition, of receiving a visit from Stéphane Bern. To be continued!



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