Inès Reg: a few months after “Dancing with the Stars, she comes out of silence, “there have never been any death threats”

Inès Reg: a few months after “Dancing with the Stars, she comes out of silence, “there have never been any death threats”
Inès Reg: a few months after “Dancing with the Stars, she comes out of silence, “there have never been any death threats”

Only one year after her last show, Inès Reg returns to the stage. A short deadline, but necessary for the 32-year-old comedian who has had a lively year. Indeed, in recent months, the young woman announced her separation from Kevin Debonne with whom she had been in a relationship for eight years.

A difficult separation but one that went very well. The two ex-lovebirds indeed maintain good relations and even collaborated on a film broadcast on Prime Video, the Infalliblesavailable on the streaming platform since June 20.

Inès Reg no longer wants to talk about “Dancing with the Stars”

On the other hand, his passage in Dancing with the stars was rather complicated. Notably because of his clash with Natasha St-Pier and Anthony Colette during filming. A difficult moment that she decided not to mention in her show as she revealed to Parisian this Monday September 30, 2024.

Our colleagues met Inès Reg on September 26 to learn more about her future tour which starts this Tuesday, October 1 in Aix-en-Provence. The opportunity for the main interested party to immediately warn: “No, I’m not talking about Dancing with the Stars at all in the show”.

The comedian wants this period to stay behind her because “That [l’]caused suffering, we are not going to lie to each other.” “(…) When you read false things about yourself when you know full well what you did, what you are, it’s upsetting. The worst thing to experience…”she continues, saddened by the situation dating from last March.

Everything is “false” according to the comedian

Especially since Inès Reg assures us, “There have never been any death threats.” “Even Natasha St-Pier said it. Behind it, there was an outpouring of hatred, messages on social networks, death threats. I’ve experienced some horrible things, even though it’s on the Internet, on a daily basis it’s difficult.”she always laments to our colleagues.

And yet, she keeps very fond memories of her experience in Dancing with the stars : “I had a great time, everything was going well at the dances, in the dressing rooms. There was real life, and the life of the media and social networks“.

His tour which starts this Tuesday October 1st will be an opportunity to definitively turn the page on this complicated period.



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