A first person compensated in Switzerland in connection with the Covid vaccine – rts.ch

A first person compensated in Switzerland in connection with the Covid vaccine – rts.ch
A first person compensated in Switzerland in connection with the Covid vaccine – rts.ch

For the first time in Switzerland, a person who suffered side effects linked to the Covid-19 vaccine will be compensated. She will receive 12,500 francs in compensation plus compensation of 1,360 francs.

For the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic, the Confederation has approved the payment of compensation in connection with the anti-Covid vaccine. This information from Sonntagsblick was confirmed to Keystone-ATS on Sunday by a spokesperson for the Federal Department of the Interior (DFI).

The person concerned was able to claim a loss of income in their activity. The amount paid can be considered as a form of reparation, said the DFI. The latter has received 320 requests for compensation to date. Around fifty are pending, of which 30 are subject to detailed examination.

Causal link with necessary vaccination

To obtain compensation, a causal link between the vaccine and the health problems claimed must be established. The evaluation of this possible link is made by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). It can take several years between the request for compensation and its payment.

Most of the suspected cases concern the Moderna vaccine, the most used in Switzerland. The right to compensation is based on the fact that vaccination was recommended by the Confederation. The State, where applicable, only pays compensation on a subsidiary basis, for example in the event of refusal to pay by the insurer or the manufacturer.

No proven vaccine defects detected

“The Confederation can only take action against the manufacturer in the event of a proven defect in the vaccine,” the DFI told Sonntagsblick. “To date, Swissmedic has not detected any quality defect in the doses concerned.” The most common side effects reported, but which remain very rare according to health authorities, are inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or the pericardium.

“In some isolated cases, prolonged symptoms appearing shortly after vaccination against Covid-19 are reported. These symptoms cause significant disability for those affected and can also appear after infection with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus under form of post-Covid or long Covid symptoms”, writes Swissmedic.





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