The Bloc Québécois, the left, the right

The Bloc Québécois, the left, the right
The Bloc Québécois, the left, the right

There will be a vote of confidence in the House of Commons.

The Bloc Québécois has announced that it will not seek to bring down Justin Trudeau.

Yves-François Blanchet explains that he does not see why he would bring down the Liberals in favour of the Conservatives and wants to take advantage of the balance of power to put forward the interests of Quebec.

This is defensible, even if I am one of those who believe it is urgent to put an end to the Trudeau government, which is extremely multiculturalist and centralizing.


But why, asks Blanchet, would the Bloc sacrifice its balance of power to the advantage of the Conservative Party without anything in return?

If the Conservatives want the Bloc’s support, they should promise Quebec full powers in immigration.

That said, Yves-François Blanchet had a more than unfortunate statement in this sequence. I quote: “I know conservative values, they are not Quebec values.”

He is not talking about the Conservative Party here, but about conservative values.

Let’s be clear. I am a Quebecer, I am not progressive, I am philosophically conservative, and I am no less a Quebecer than the Bloc leader. I am no less legitimate as an independentist either. Hundreds of thousands of Quebecers could say the same.

I have the greatest respect for Blanchet, but he is mistaken when he draws an equivalence between the left or progressivism and Quebec identity.

He thus drives out of the Quebec identity the people who are more to the right. He also drives them out of the nationalist movement and the sovereignist camp.


However, the sovereignists will need these voters in a future referendum.

Moreover, PSPP is aware of this on its side, and has recalled that they have their place in the national camp.

Quebec does not belong to the left (nor to the right). Neither does Quebec independence.



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