Khadim Ba, in police custody, receives a surprise visit from his father

Khadim Ba, in police custody, receives a surprise visit from his father
Khadim Ba, in police custody, receives a surprise visit from his father

Despite the conflicting relations with his son Khadim Ba, father Amadou Bâ visited his son who was placed in police custody at the Fair Brigade for customs fraud.

Notwithstanding their conflicting relations, Amadou Bâ has not remained indifferent to the setbacks of his son whom he intends to save. According to information from SourceA, Khadim Bâ, placed in police custody at the Gendarmerie de la Foire for customs fraud, received a surprise visit from his father, Amadou Bâ. P

→ ALSO READ: Khadim Bâ (Locafrique) arrested, the reason revealed

It should be noted that the father and son have been in conflict for several years, around a legal battle for control of the family business.

“The father visited this Thursday to find out the ins and outs of his dispute with Customs who handed him over to the gendarmes,” reports SourceA.

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According to judicial sources, Khadim Ba was arrested and placed in police custody due to a dispute related to customs issues. Customs is demanding hundreds of millions of FCFA from him.

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