The condolences of Benkirane and the PJD to Hezbollah go down very badly in Morocco –

The condolences of Benkirane and the PJD to Hezbollah go down very badly in Morocco –
The condolences of Benkirane and the PJD to Hezbollah go down very badly in Morocco –

Abdelilah Benkirane and the Justice and Development Party (PJD) have just made an unforgivable error by sending their condolences to Hezbollah, an organization which not only does not recognize the territorial integrity of Morocco and its sovereignty over its Saharabut which goes even further, by arming and training the separatists of Polisario.

How does a Moroccan party, claiming to defend the interests of the nation, dare to pay tribute to a militia which conspires directly against the unity of our Kingdom?

Hassan Nasrallah, the head of the axis of evil (Iran-Algeria), has long made common cause with the Polisario. The Moroccan authorities have provided proof that the Hezbollah militias provide logistical and military support with the help of Iran to the Polisario separatists, helping to fuel violence against our valiant soldiers.

However, the day after the death of Hassan Nasrallah in an Israeli bombing, Benkirane and his party, shamelessly, express public condolences, glorifying a man and an organization who want the division of our country.

How does the PJD, a party supposed to defend Moroccan interests, find it justifiable to support an organization which maintains links with those who seek to destabilize our nation?

Morocco, under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VIhas worked tirelessly to defend its Sahara and its territorial integrity on the international stage. Meanwhile, the PJD appears to be making decisions contrary to the interests of the Kingdom, siding with those who conspire against it.

The press release signed by Benkirane is scandalous: That Hezbollah, the same organization which has confirmed relations with the Polisario, receives the support of the PJD, a Moroccan party, which should nevertheless be on the front line to protect the sovereignty of Morocco, is completely unacceptable.

The PJD has crossed a red line: His statement is not only irresponsible but also deeply dangerous. It is time for Moroccans to ask themselves if this party still deserves their trust, and above all, if it still has its place in defending the supreme interests of the nation.

Abderrazzak Boussaid/Le7tv



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