SENEGAL-AFRICA-ENVIRONNEMENT / Waste management: a synergy of actions advocated for a just ecological transition – Senegalese press agency

Kaolack, September 28 (APS) – The program and operations manager of Caritas Kaolack (center), Edouard François Ndong, recommended, Friday, synergies of actions in waste management to move into a dynamic of just ecological transition .

”Waste management is a major problem in the world and Senegal is not spared. We need to establish great synergies under the leadership and coordination of the State of Senegal through programs and projects to be able to all move in a dynamic of ecological transition which should allow us to improve the environment and the framework of life of our communities and villages,” he said in particular.

Edouard François Ndong spoke at the end of a three-day international workshop on waste management and ecological transition opened Wednesday, in Kaolack, on the theme: ”Strengthening our power to act for sustainable management of solid waste contributing to a just ecological transition in West African cities.

This meeting, initiated by Caritas Senegal, in partnership with Secours catholique-Caritas , is supported by the French Development Agency (AFD). It was chaired by the prefect of the department of Kaolack, Latyr Ndiaye, and recorded the presence of the Caritas branches of Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Mali.

”The Caritas spirit which underpinned this workshop is that of synergy. It’s about seeing, together, what action we can take to move towards this ecological transition which requires a change in behavior, but also a new way of seeing our environment, waste and treating it,” launched the manager of Caritas Kaolack programs and operations.

The head of Caritas Mauritania’s development programs, Hamady Bâ, for his part, estimated that Caritas Kaolack had the “clear awareness” that the problem of waste management is shared by the countries of the western sub-region -African.

”For several years, we have been in parallel dynamics. Caritas Kaolack had the idea of ​​creating this synergy and these three days of meeting allowed us to have a good outline to lead the advocacy of a just ecological transition,” he argued.

Hamady Bâ noted that in Mauritania, ”we are in a linear management of the waste problem: production, consumption and rejection” and indicated that he now wanted to draw inspiration from the Senegalese model. ”In our areas of intervention, we will try to experience what we have seen here in Senegal,” he said.

The second deputy mayor of the commune of Wack Ngouna, in the department of Nioro du Rip, in Kaolack, Alioune Sow, estimated that the problem of waste management is the same at the level of all local authorities.

”But Wack Ngouna has the particularity of being a rural commune which has 65 villages. And, aware of the environmental issues that currently arise in terms of sustainable development, the mayor, who called on Caritas, set up a waste management system with the creation of a recovery and treatment center. , he congratulated himself.




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