Geneva: Landlord of a young athlete suspected of molestation

Geneva: Landlord of a young athlete suspected of molestation
Geneva: Landlord of a young athlete suspected of molestation

A criminal investigation is underway, targeting the landlord of a young athlete. Presumed innocent, the man who hosted the teenager allegedly caressed his torso and thigh. He is accused of sexual acts and attempted sexual acts with a minor, among other things. As part of the investigation, officials from the Office for Children and Youth (OEJ) were interviewed as persons called upon to provide information – a status halfway between that of witness and defendant, explains the “Tribune de Genève”.

The daily newspaper recently revealed an explosive report from the State Internal Audit Service, which warns of numerous dysfunctions within the OEJ, responsible for the placement of minors. The latter is notably responsible for the authorizations and the supervision of host families. In the case of the young athlete’s host, he had already been suspected 25 years ago of pedophile touching; in the end, he was acquitted. The Department of Public Education, which has also taken legal action, is seeking to determine whether there were professional failings in this affair.




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