UFOA/A U20 tournament: Senegal crowned!

UFOA/A U20 tournament: Senegal crowned!
UFOA/A U20 tournament: Senegal crowned!

After its success against the Gambia (1-0) two years ago, the Senegal U20 National Team did not miss the pass of two during the final of the UFOA/A Tournament, in Monrovia. Led by a stratospheric Ibrahima Dieng, the Cubs made short work of the very pale Sierra Leoneans. In this meeting which took place within the Samuel Kenyan Doe Stadium Complex, almost everything was decided in the first period.

After less than a quarter of an hour of play, Cheikh Tidiane Thiam recovered a ball from an opponent’s header to unleash, from the edge of the area, an unstoppable flat foot for the Sierra Leonean goalkeeper and open the score (1-0, 13th). Serigne Saliou Dia’s foals created other situations to double the lead. But it was only a postponement, since in the 24th minute, Ibrahima Dieng awarded us a delicious goal.

At the entrance to the central circle, in the first half of the Senegalese field, the Lionceaux number 9 sees the opposing goalkeeper very advanced. He dares a shot and it ends wonderfully in the back of the net. A sensational goal to make the break and propel his team to victory. In a less spectacular second period, the Senegalese managed to maintain their two-goal lead to win the title. See you now at the CAN.

With Wiwsport



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