Via Domitia is celebrating!

The Via Domitia festival takes place this Saturday, September 28 on foot, by bike, in stories and photos near Jonquières-Saint-Vincent.

La Via Domitia (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

From the “César terminals” to the “Antonin the Pious terminal” via the “X terminals” and the “Novi terminal” in Jonquières-Saint-Vincent (and at the Saint Laurent Chapel in Jonquières), there will have plenty to do. For Michèle Texier who will give a conference on the example of the Via Domitia, this path is not quite like the others: “ Built around 120 BCE, the Via Domitia can be considered the oldest monument built by the Roman power on the shores of the Gulf of Lion, following the military conquest at the end of the second century BCE. It follows a very old route, that of the Heraclean Way, in reference to one of the exploits of Heracles-Hercules. »

The Via Domitia or the Domitian way (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

Initially designed for the circulation of the Roman legions and the imperial post, it was quickly used by merchants. Michèle Texier continues: “ The towns of Béziers, , Nîmes, , Apt, , Briançon are today on its route, used by certain modern roads (such as the A9 motorway). Along its route, we can still discover the remains of yesterday. These are mainly mile markers, the signposts of the time, which provided information on the distances between towns, gates, bridges and even triumphal arches. »

Via Domitia voie domitienne (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

You have to look carefully and read the landscape… Here a mile marker, a little hidden but running along a straight path (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

Michèle Texier approaches the construction of the Via Domitia, ” this pit filled with sand, stones and mortar, but not necessarily covered with stones, contrary to popular belief! »

The program will take place in two stages, morning and afternoon. In the morning, four possibilities for walks with at 9 a.m. a bike ride from the mile markers to Manduel and return to the St Laurent chapel, then the Jonquières room. Meet at the Crematorium car park or 9:15 a.m. by bike at the César terminals ( O vélO Agnès Senicourt 06 30 00 96 75 and ACPM Alain Imbert for historical comments).

Via Domitia voie domitienne (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

Not far from Jonquières-Saint-Vincent, mile markers like there are still a few between Nîmes and Beaucaire (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

Second option, at 8:30 a.m. sharp, meet at the socio-cultural center for the start of the hiking trail “From the village to Via Domitia” (PAS’ APA and Citoyens Jonquiérois (via Chantal Milesi 06 20 73 19 16) return to the FSC to take the cars and go to the César terminals at 10:30 a.m.

The Saint-Laurent chapel in Jonquières-Saint-Vincent • Photo d’archives Anthony Maurin

Third choice, at 10:30 a.m., new meeting at the César terminals with Georges Sudres (06 09 35 59 23) for the guided car tour of the Via Domitia. A parade in CarpeFeuch costume before the departure of the cars will be planned.

Last morning option, from 10:30 a.m. with the opening and guided tour of the St Laurent chapel by Jean-François Milesi.

For lunch, everyone converges at the Saint Laurent chapel on foot, by bike or by car and there again a visit and costume parade by CarpeFeuch.

Via Domitia voie domitienne (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

A milestone on the Via Domitia between Jonquières-Saint-Vincent and Nîmes (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

Second phase of the day, afternoon. At 1 p.m. picnic from the bag. Later ? It is at the socio-cultural center, 6 rue Saint Laurent in Jonquières, that everything will happen. At 1:30 p.m., workshop for children from six to 12 years old with the Grand Mas media library “Creation of Roman outfit accessories” upon registration at 04 66 74 08 07. At 2:15 p.m., presentation of the ICE VIA DOMITIA association which wants to obtain certification the Via Domitia as a European Cultural Route. At 2:30 p.m., the conference by Michèle Texier from Pont du Gard et Patrimoine will focus on “Roman roads, the example of the Via Domitia. »

The extraordinary adventure of the Via Domitia in Occitania

The extraordinary adventure of the Via Domitia in Occitania

At 4 p.m., presentation of some images of the photographic project by Jean-Claude Martinez on Via Domitia. At 5 p.m., a glass of friendship will be offered by the Jonquières town hall and the Vignerons Créateurs cellar. Whatever the weather, the afternoon will be maintained as well as the visit to the St Laurent chapel from 10:30 a.m. and the possibility of a picnic at the socio-cultural center.

The entire program on

Via Domitia voie domitienne (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)

The Ambrussum bridge continues to deteriorate… What a shame not to preserve this ancient monument which will one day soon be destroyed… (Photo Archives Anthony Maurin)



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