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La Petite et le Vieux wins the Best French-language Feature Film Award at Cinéfest Sudbury

La Petite et le Vieux wins the Best French-language Feature Film Award at Cinéfest Sudbury
La Petite et le Vieux wins the Best French-language Feature Film Award at Cinéfest Sudbury

Parallaxes and TVA Films are extremely proud to announce that the film La Petite et le Vieux has just won the Prize for Best French-Language Feature Film at the Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival. Moreover, after a successful world premiere at the prestigious Locarno Film Festival, Switzerland, last August and an opening presentation of the 13e edition of the Quebec City Cinema Festival, on September 12, this new feature film by director Patrice Sauvé (It smells like a cut, Victor Lessard, The fault, Life, life), is, to date, selected in numerous other festivals on the national and international scene:

Namur International Francophone Film Festival (FIFF) (Belgium)
Schlingel International Film Festival (Allemagne)
FilmFest Hamburg (Germany)
Windsor International Film Festival (WIFF)(Canada)
Athens International Children’s Film Festival (Grèce)
Kyiv International Film Festival Molodist (Ukraine)
Cinémental Festival in Winnipeg (Canada), in collaboration with the Tournée Québec Cinéma
and several more to come, announced later!

Bright, humanist and touching, The Little and the Oldexpected in cinemas throughout Quebec from October 4is an adaptation of the bestselling novel by Marie-Renée Lavoie (finalist for the Grand Prix du public Archambault and the Prix -Québec), scripted by Sébastien Girard. The film counts on a magnificent cast which includes the seasoned Gildor Roy, Vincent-Guillaume Otis, Marilyn Castonguay and for the first time on the big screen, Juliette Bharucha. They are surrounded by actors Gabrielle B. Thuot, Mia Drolet, Élia St-Pierre, Denis Houle, Jack Robitaille, Amélie Bernard, Marie Michaud, Marie Bernier, Marie-Hélène Gendreau, Linda Laplante, Pierre-Yves Charbonneau, Sacha Lapointe, Amélie Pelletier, Jean-Philippe Côté, Ariane Bellavance-Fafard, Luc Bélanger-Morissette, Karl-Patrice Dupuis, Pierre-Luc , Marguerite Bouchard, Andréanne Fortin et Charles Roberge who embody the main characters of this story of great tenderness, which takes a human and humorous look at a family and the power of their dreams.


1980s, Quebec. Her name is Hélène, but she calls herself Jo because she wants to be like Joséphine La Petite Mousquetaire, her favorite cartoon heroine. Jo is only ten years old, three sisters, a father who is very busy being unhappy and an understanding, but strict mother. She lives in a working-class neighborhood populated by often colorful people, the most endearing of whom is her new neighbor, Monsieur Roger, a gruff old man who hides a tender heart. With her romantic soul and an imagination hungry for great drama, Jo would also like to achieve great feats. One day, she sets herself the mission of saving her father from work and misfortune.

Based on the novel by Marie-Renée Lavoie (XYZ Editions)
At the cinema from October 4, 2024
Screenwriter: Sébastien Girard
Director: Patrice Sauvé
Production : Sonia Despars and Marc Biron – Parallaxes
Distribution : TVA FILMS

Produced with the financial participation of SODEC, Telefilm Canada, The Canada Media Fund, the City of Quebec, the Ministry of Culture and Communications, the Secrétariat à la Capitale-Nationale, The Harold Greenberg Fund and credit programs provincial and federal tax, in collaboration with Club Illico, Le Fonds Québecor and Groupe TVA.

Distribution of roles Nathalie Boutriedirection of photography Francois Gamacheartistic direction Marie-Pier Fortiercostumes Sophie Lefebvremontage Claude Palardyoriginal music Viviane Audet, Robin-Joël Coolet Alexis Martinmakeup Lyne Tremblaycoiffure Andre Duvalson Norman Lapierre, Sylvain Bellemare et Bernard Gariépy Stroblcolorization Eric Denisanimation “manga The Little Musketeer” Suddenly animationdelegated production Julie Vallee et Eric Bernier.

About TVA Films, a division of TVA Group
TVA Films is a Quebec company based in Montreal that acquires films for distribution on different platforms, including cinemas, television, video on demand, DVD and digital. It offers the public a range of quality products including more than 1,000 titles of Quebec and foreign films, television series, comedy shows and documentaries. For more than 20 years, TVA Films has been a major player in the Quebec and Canadian audiovisual content distribution markets.

About Parallaxes
Parallaxes is a production company well established in the Quebec region which is dedicated to the development and production of cinematographic and television works, fiction and documentaries. Among the titles produced by producers Sonia Despars and Marc Biron, we find in particular the feature documentary A girl chase moviethe film adaptation The Fall of Spartathe family drama series The Skid and more recently the fantasy comedy farador. The Little and the Old is their fourth feature film.



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