Climate demonstration: some 700 people in the streets of Brussels for a “habitable future”

Climate demonstration: some 700 people in the streets of Brussels for a “habitable future”
Climate demonstration: some 700 people in the streets of Brussels for a “habitable future”

“We seem to have forgotten the urgency of taking action on climate change, perhaps because there are fewer young people on the streets than there were six years ago. Yet its impacts are becoming more visible, affecting more people and ecosystems around the world,” said Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, a climatologist and former vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

For a habitable future, climate activists are calling on political leaders to sign the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Thousands of scientists and NGOs (including 101 Nobel Prize winners) support the treaty, but only 13 countries (12 island states and Colombia) support it. “This is a crucial part of the problem. Where there are fossil fuels, there is no future,” insisted Kim Le Quang, co-founder of Rise for Climate.

The organisers are calling more broadly for the establishment of “ambitious” regulations, which could lead the European Union towards a “fairer and more sustainable” society.

On the same day, at the call of the global movement “Friday for Future”, similar mobilizations took place in several dozen countries, including Germany and India.



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