The inhabitants of this commune in are still furious

The inhabitants of this commune in are still furious
The inhabitants of this commune in Gironde are still furious

In Parempuyre, in , the property tax has increased by 25% in 2024, a decision far from insignificant, at a time when the vast majority of French municipalities have not increased it. The town hall, while hearing the reproaches of the residents, nevertheless defends itself against imprudent management of its budget.


– One possible explanation could be found in the population explosion of Parempuyre.

His case is rare. In 2024, only 16% of municipalities in have chosen to increase their property tax, recalls West France. Parempuyre, in Gironde, is one of them. But it did not do things by halves in increasing this tax, since it has jumped 25%. To the great displeasure of the inhabitants of the commune, who are furious and not convinced by the justifications of the municipality, we learn France Blue Gironde.

Owner of a 90 square meter house, Dominique can’t believe it: “When I saw that, I said to myself, this is not possible.”he admits. He explains that he spent from 1600 euros to 1980 euros property tax. 400 euros more, “It’s still excessive. In the neighborhood, no one understands this increase.”he castigates. All the more incomprehensible for local residents as they were not used to such an increase: the property tax had not increased only once in twenty years. It was in 2021.

Also read:

Property tax: this commune in is one of the red lanterns

Municipal megalomania?

One possible explanation could be found in the population explosion of ParempuyreAccording to opposition councillor Jean-Marc Farthouat, the municipality did not anticipate the doubling of the population in forty years, with a growth rate of 10,000 inhabitants reached today: “I think we overestimated our investment capacity compared to our possibilities”he explains, estimating that the investments have cost more expensive than expected and that solutions could have been put in place well in advance.

At the town hall, if the wrongs are admitted, they claim a exceptional decision due to a scissor effect: State allocations have dropped by 800,000 euros in ten yearswhen expenses have continued to increase. For example, electricity: it has gone from 200,000 euros in 2018 to 400,000 euros in 2024 according to Benjamin Dervieux, first deputy in charge of finances, who denies any delusions of grandeur due to the population explosion. million euros What will this massive increase in property tax bring in? Will it be enough to replenish the coffers?



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