Why did this village in Pas-de- see its property tax rate increase by 50%?

Why did this village in Pas-de- see its property tax rate increase by 50%?
Why did this village in Pas-de-Calais see its property tax rate increase by 50%?

CThis is a habit that began in 2018, when Gérald Darmanin was Minister of Finance and Public Accounts. Every year, when tax notices arrive in mailboxes, the Directorate General of Public Finances publishes the local tax rates for all municipalities in and their annual changes. A way of distinguishing the “good students”, who maintain or lower this rate, from the “bad students” who increase them.

Thanks to the file provided by Bercy, our colleagues from the national press deliver their commentary and analysis. However, with its 16.3 point increase (i.e. + 50%), Bénifontaine stands out. And this small village of only 350 inhabitants, known until then for its aerodrome, the Castelain brewery which produces Ch’ti and the former Studio 56 which for a long time colored the Asterix albums, finds itself blacklisted. Without necessarily recalling the context.

Announced in April

This increase is anything but a surprise. As everywhere else, the property tax rate was voted on in the spring, at the time when the municipal budget was to be drawn up. In Bénifontaine, there was no reckless investment or slippage in operating expenses, but rather a revenue suddenly and without warning.

The urban community of Béthune-Bruay (CABBALR) has in fact decided to no longer pay its neighbour -Liévin (CALL) its share of the tax revenues from the Artois-Flandres park, which is around 9 million euros per year. Several municipalities in the CALL(1)including Bénifontaine, were at the origin of this economic zone, where today we find giants such as ACC or Stellantis, and until then benefited from a sort of return on investment.

The private village of 243,000 euros

The administrative justice system has been contacted, but in the meantime, Bénifontaine has had to balance its budget with 243,000 euros less. Huge when you consider that it usually amounts to 349,000 euros in operations. To achieve balance, elected officials therefore voted for this increase in property tax but also cut subsidies to associations and delayed certain investments. So many measures, detailed in April, which were to allow the village to “ keep [son] financial autonomy “, recalled the mayor, Nicolas Godart.

Another useful clarification: Bénifontaine started from a very low rate, the lowest in the Lens district (31.95%, of which 22.26 corresponded to the former departmental share). With now 48.95%, it remains in the low range (34e out of 50). Finally, it must be remembered that the rate alone does not constitute the tax. It applies to rental values ​​set by the State.

1. Also concerned are Wingles, Meurchin, Vendin-le-Vieil, -en-Gohelle, Hulluch and Pont-à-Vendin.



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