Good news for older people who want to continue living at home

Good news for older people who want to continue living at home
Good news for older people who want to continue living at home


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Sep 18, 2024 at 10:04 AM

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The Drôme Hospitals, in partnership with AÉSIO Santé, have been selected by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Health Agency (ARS) to set up one of the very first Territorial Resource Centers (CRT) in Drôme. This is good news for elderly people who wish to continue living at home.

“Fighting isolation”

This new offer is intended for elderly people who are losing their independence and who wish to remain at home, for whom so-called traditional support from home services is no longer sufficient and who could be referred to an EHPAD.

“The CRT for the elderly aims to prevent the risks of loss of autonomy for these people and to limit disruptions in their health journeys, the ARS explains in a press release. It also intends, through a program of activities and the mobilization of local contacts, to combat the isolation of these people. It will offer support services for caregivers: respite time, support for caregivers.”

Remote assistance and remote monitoring at home

Each user can benefit from the teleassistance system deployed by the CRT. For people showing greater signs of fragility, this system is supplemented by the wearing of a detector bracelet and the installation of sensors that monitor the person’s activity, prevent and detect falls, and identify unusual behavior (sleep, isolation, nutrition). This platform first directs users to the coordinator, and in the event of unavailability, to relatives, a doctor, or local emergency services.

The CRT also has a mission to support professionals in the region by offering “training, times for sharing experiences and discussions and by providing skills in hygiene, ethics, palliative care, neurodegenerative diseases in order to improve professional practices”.

The CRT plans to support 30 beneficiaries in their homes, thanks to dedicated funding from the ARS: “it will rely on the skills and expertise of the two partners as well as on local healthcare stakeholders: liberal professionals, home help structures, EHPADs, Territorial Professional Health Community (CPTS)…”

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According to INSEE projections, the number of people aged 75 and over would increase by 2.5 million between 2015 and 2030 and would double to reach 6 million in 2050. This ageing should be accompanied by a sharp increase in pathologies associated with old age and dependency situations; some people will need help with daily living activities and regular monitoring.

The Drôme department has an older population than the national average, with over-75s representing 9.9% compared to 9.2% in the region. This share will increase to 16.1% in 2040.

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