Ariège: economy, security and pastoralism at the heart of the prefectural return

Ariège: economy, security and pastoralism at the heart of the prefectural return
Ariège: economy, security and pastoralism at the heart of the prefectural return

the essential
Developments in the RN20 diversion, the state of predation or the realization of the Géotex project: these are all major topics in the prefecture’s back-to-school files, which the Ariège prefect detailed on Monday, September 16.

This Monday, September 16, Prefect Simon Bertoux took stock of the department’s priority issues during a back-to-school breakfast. Topics such as the RN20, bluetongue (BT) and predation were discussed at length, as were the State’s actions in terms of the economy, security and rurality.

“A dynamic of job creation in the region”

Simon Bertoux reminded us that the entire department has been awarded the “Territory of Industry” label, a distinction which, among other things, provides it with the means to switch to a green industry.

Among the key projects mentioned by the State, the inauguration of the ZAE Garbriela 2 in Pamiers and the realization of the Géotex industrial project, which aims to produce geotextiles capable of replacing petroleum-based materials in construction and agriculture, in Laroque-d’Olmes. A project that obtained a State subsidy of 6 million euros for an investment project of around twenty million.

Furthermore, a census of projects in the department confirmed a certain dynamism, indicated the prefect: “We have a dynamism of job creation in this territory, many business leaders are developing their activity, some need help, others do not. […]. We will help some of them with a call for projects.”

Security in Foix: “Intensify social work and patrols”

The prefect also highlighted the efforts made to strengthen security on identified actions, notably via two “clean place” operations, in Foix on a drug trafficking ring which was dismantled, and on the RN20.

Increased police presence in city centres, graffiti cleaning operation: if 75 fines for alcohol levels were issued in Foix this year, Simon Bertoux assures us that to respond to the problem of alcoholic marginals in the city centre, social work must be stepped up: “The fixation point in front of the casino, which was very intense in the spring, has disappeared since the clean-up operation. There are fewer of them, but they have been more present in the shopping streets, to the detriment of economic activity, we must continue to work on them. These are 5 or 6 people, we must step up social work, outreach, and try to treat their addiction, that’s how we will solve the problem”.

FCO, “force majeure” requests possible

Among the sensitive issues, the health situation of farmers, who have been victims of bluetongue (BT) for many months. In Ariège, 471 outbreaks have been recorded. Since last June, livestock have shown an excess mortality of 3,650 sheep, or 15 to 60% of herds depending on the farm, a situation that has weakened many farmers. Requests for recognition of force majeure cases can be requested for certain CAP aid, assured the prefect. The profession has also made a request for emergency aid to the State.

“Coexistence between bears and pastoralism must be organized”

“In the Pyrenees there will be both bears and pastoralism for a long time to come. This coexistence is difficult, but it must be organised,” insisted the prefect. Before detailing the interim assessment of losses, Simon Bertoux highlighted the protective measures which have contributed to a reduction in predation this year.

Among them, scaring measures granted by the State in Ariège and supported by the administrative court of . “Three means of protection must be engaged by breeders, the presence of shepherds, dogs and illuminated parks at night, then comes the scaring stage. It is the State that authorizes it and this set of measures reduces predation, we observe it everywhere”.

In terms of figures, the interim assessment of the season shows 286 cases investigated, including 369 missing sheep compared to 500 or even 1,000 in previous years. As for hives, the assessment is heavier this year with 59 hives decimated, including around thirty attributable to the presence of the bear. “What we see this year is that the stakeholders are getting involved and that we have all the predation areas that have at least two means of protection, and a large number of shepherds and breeders are taking action to protect their herds.”

RN 20: two projects in 2025

Finally, there is no question of leaving the table without mentioning the diversion of the RN20. If the prefect of Ariège Simon Bertoux is not in a position to make official announcements, he assures us: “In this case, two projects will be able to be deployed and started around mid-2025, the Quié tunnel and the removal of the Ornolac and Ussat-les-Bains bridges.”

Also, the memorandum of understanding, issued by the Region with the authorization of the government, was signed at the beginning of July, and a public inquiry on the environmental aspect will be launched this fall.



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