Hérault: water restrictions tightened due to drought

Hérault: water restrictions tightened due to drought
Hérault: water restrictions tightened due to drought

Faced with persistent drought, Hérault is strengthening its water restriction measures. The Jaur watershed is now in “crisis”, leading to strict bans on use, while the Canal du Midi is on “heightened alert”. All users are affected.

© Mercedess / Shutterstock.com

The Hérault department is facing a critical situation in terms of water resources. The prefecture announced, in a press release published on September 13, 2024, additional restrictive measures. The Jaur watershed is now classified as “crisis”, leading to strict prohibitions and bans on water use. The Canal du Midi is on “heightened alert”, while restrictions are maintained in the rest of the department.

“Recent rainy episodes have helped to maintain the level of watercourses in a heterogeneous manner, particularly in the east of the department,” according to the Hérault prefecture, also citing the stabilization of the Astienne and Castries aquifers. “On the other hand, the situation of watercourses and alluvial aquifers is becoming increasingly tense in certain sectors, particularly in the Jaur watershed.”

What are the drought restrictions in Hérault?

The measures taken by the prefect aim to preserve water resources in a context of prolonged drought in Hérault. All users are affected by restrictions on water use. For individuals, businesses and communities. The irrigation of vegetable gardens, green spaces and lawns, as well as washing vehicles and filling swimming pools, are now strictly regulated, or even prohibited in areas in “crisis”. For farmers, irrigation is particularly affected, with strict restrictions, and even bans in areas in “crisis”.

The prefecture strongly encourages the reduction of water consumption, recalling that additional orders may be taken locally depending on the evolution of the situation. An interactive tool, “RestrEau 34”, allows residents and businesses to follow in real time the restrictions applied in their municipality.

Practical information : further details concerning the drought and restrictions in Hérault are available on the prefecture website.



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