In Carhaix, this Thursday, a day to reflect on mobility issues

In Carhaix, this Thursday, a day to reflect on mobility issues
In Carhaix, this Thursday, a day to reflect on mobility issues

The Wimoov association has made a habit of organising its inclusive mobility day every year during European Mobility Week. In Carhaix, this will be the second time this year that such an event has been proposed. It will take place this Thursday, September 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. “Such meetings aim to guide public policies in the field of transport,” explains Hoel Cumunel, Terr’Moov project manager for the Wimoov association. “One in three French people do not have the freedom to choose how they travel today.”

  • 2 How will the morning go?

This day will provide an opportunity to learn about the biannual barometer of daily mobility. This major national survey (conducted by a polling institute and based on a sample of 12,500 people, representative of French society) was launched in 2020, under the impetus of Wimoov and the Foundation for Nature and Man. It is used to make an assessment of mobility practices. “It is about quantifying and qualifying them,” emphasizes Hoel Cumunel. After a welcome coffee, starting at 9 a.m., at Karaez Park, the national figures will be presented. The situation in will be discussed from 10:45 a.m. This part, which will be hosted by Wimoov employees, will explore several themes: economic attractiveness, integration, seniors, etc. The morning should end around 12:15 p.m., for the closing remarks by the sub-prefect of Châteaulin, Estelle Leprêtre.

  • 3 A time for discussion in the afternoon

In the afternoon, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., there will be time for discussion on the theme of the attractiveness of the area. “We are calling on companies and their human resources departments because the idea is to discuss the difficulties of recruiting companies linked to mobility issues,” explains Hoel Cumunel. “This reflection will allow us to define the calibration of future actions. We are therefore proposing that participants build a collective project together to connect local initiatives and breathe new life into mobility, in order to demonstrate the attractiveness of the area.”

  • 4 Who is this day for?

    This “à la carte” day (you can choose to participate in only part of what is offered) is open to everyone. “We encourage the population to participate, especially all those who feel concerned by the subject, including companies that are struggling to recruit, indicates the project manager. There are schemes (bonuses, exemptions from charges, etc.) that companies can set up for their employees, but they are not always aware of them.”

  • 5 What are the ways to promote mobility?

    According to Hoel Cumunel, “the discussions should make it possible to identify concrete actions to be implemented in the coming months.” After setting up the VéliPoher service, which has been a great success, Terr’Moov has identified several other projects for our sector. In particular, there is talk of testing soon, on an experimental basis (in four municipalities: Cléden-Poher, Saint-Hernin, Plévin and Le Moustoir), a transport service where people would be picked up on demand in the municipalities of the Carhaix suburbs. “If this succeeds, it would be a pioneer in ,” says Hoel Cumunel. Other projects include: a scooter rental service allowing for longer journeys; the provision of shared vehicles; the opening of a sort of France services house for everything related to mobility.


It is not necessary to register for the inclusive mobility day. For information, email: [email protected]



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