“A reprehensible cheating”, police officers question hierarchy and prefect of Guadeloupe in an internal promotion case within the police

“A reprehensible cheating”, police officers question hierarchy and prefect of Guadeloupe in an internal promotion case within the police
“A reprehensible cheating”, police officers question hierarchy and prefect of Guadeloupe in an internal promotion case within the police

Trouble within the Guadeloupe national police. Police officers are questioning their superiors and the regional prefect in a file for the internal promotion of a police officer. They denounce “cheating” in this file. A letter was even sent to the prefect.

“A reprehensible cheating”. The words are strong to denounce the situation. A situation which according to the police officers at the origin of the letter to the Prefect of Guadeloupe, would cause commotion in the ranks of the police stations of Guadeloupe. Between the lines, they denounce special rights and privileges.

The issue is the assignment of a national police officer to the judicial investigations and inquiries unit at the Pointe-à-Pitre police station. The officer would have benefited from a nine-month seniority bonus under the ASA, the specific seniority benefit. A system specific to the civil service or in certain corps, such as the national gendarmerie, for promotion and transfers.

Where the problem lies here is that this civil servant would not be entitled to it. The specific seniority advantage is reserved for officers who work in the field, in contact, for several years in urban districts and specific services known to be difficult and sensitive. They are well defined by regulation. The previous assignments of the police officer in question would not allow him to be eligible for it. For these angry civil servants, there was a big boost “from the hierarchy”, the cause of this discontent among the police officers.



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