Gilles Poux, the mayor of , will not run again in 2026

Gilles Poux, the mayor of , will not run again in 2026
Gilles Poux, the mayor of La Courneuve, will not run again in 2026

In a letter addressed to his constituents on September 12, the mayor of , Gilles Poux, announced that he will not be a candidate for re-election in the 2026 municipal elections.

Mayor of La Courneuve since 1996, Gilles Poux (PCF) announced in a letter to his constituents, sent on September 12, that he will not be a candidate for re-election in the 2026 municipal elections.

“I want to confirm that I will not be a candidate for the post of mayor in the March 2026 elections. Since 1996, I have given the best of myself in this commitment,” he told the residents of La Courneuve.

For the mayor, the city needs “a renewed look, driven by new energies” to move forward.

Nadia Chahboune to succeed him

Despite this announcement, the mayor wants La Courneuve to “remain united”. For him, the person best placed to take his place is Nadia Chahboune, currently deputy delegate for youth.

“A profile stands out to carry this dynamic (…) I am convinced that Nadia Chahboune, currently deputy delegate for youth, corresponds well to this portrait,” he explained

For Gilles Poux, the elected official is a person capable of uniting the city “far from political calculations”.

Following the announcement of Gilles Poux’s withdrawal from the municipal race, other candidates were quick to make themselves known. This is particularly the case of the 1st deputy (PS) at the town hall, Oumarou Doucouré, who made his candidacy official in a letter.

This close friend of the socialist president of the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council says he is “ready” to carry out a project built “around a large citizen gathering”.

With this announcement, La Courneuve would already have two left-wing candidates for the municipal elections, two years before the municipal deadline.



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