The “Star Academy” final, on January 25, will pit two candidates against each other, Ebony and Marine, after the elimination of Franck this Saturday.
It’s a women’s final that viewers will witness on Saturday January 25. It will pit Ebony against Marine, the two finalists after the elimination of Franck against Ebony this January 18 in the semi-final.
During the previous semi-final, last week, it was Charles who lost to Marine.
“I love you Frank”
“Thank you very much, exulted Ebony. I’m so happy, it’s amazing. Thank you very much, I’m very grateful. It’s the first time that I’m faced with the public vote and it’s going really well for the moment, so thank you I gave everything to Franck, I love you, Franck.
-Franck and Ebony each performed during this semi-final, a title with the singer Zaz, soon to be sworn in The Voice: Dazzled by the night with Ebony and And with Frank. Then, they delivered a duet on Unholy by Sam Smith, then on Rolling in the deep of Adele. Finally everyone sang alone on stage. Franck had chosen the song by Charles Aznavour As they say et Ebony, do not judge meby Camille Lellouche.
Star Academy production denounced at the end of December the cyberharassment suffered by certain candidates, including Ebony, victim of racist and misogynistic remarks.