President Michel Weill maintained a moment of conviviality for the Department's staff at the start of the year.
He sent his best wishes to some 1,400 agents belonging to the community as well as family assistants, firefighters and staff of organizations hosted by the Hôtel du Département.
The staff and departmental advisors responded to the call for this pleasant tradition. The large reception hall was full, the need for conviviality and reunions between all the agents was perceptible by the ambient joy and excitement.
President Weill thanked all the staff for their involvement “for all the projects that you enable to bring to fruition here and in the territory of Tarn-et-Garonne. We appreciate all your work, your professionalism and your dedication serving the community.” It was also an opportunity to return to the important human resources issues which marked the year 2024 with positive impacts for the future (RIFSEEP, complementary social protection, professional equality, mobility support, social action schemes …) and highlight the quality of social dialogue within the community.
-The year 2025 having been announced at the national level as very particular in terms of budget, the Departmental Council of Tarn-et-Garonne, like many communities, made the choice during the plenary session of last December 16, not to organize the traditional ceremony of greeting the personalities. This was part of the first axis of the budgetary guidelines for 2025, among other symbolic measures.
“I understand the concerns that this context may raise. I want to tell you that we can collectively demonstrate adaptability in this situation. […] Together, let’s continue to move Tarn-et-Garonne forward! Let us wish it, as each of its inhabitants, health and prosperity.”