“The Missing of Compostelle”, a new series filmed at Pont du Diable and Saint-Guilhem

“The Missing of Compostelle”, a new series filmed at Pont du Diable and Saint-Guilhem
“The Missing of Compostelle”, a new series filmed at Pont du Diable and Saint-Guilhem

Until February, the teams are hard at work, in the Heart of Hérault, to shoot a new series, of four episodes, for Télévision.

“How beautiful,” says the cameraman, camera on his shoulder. This Monday, at rehearsal time, with the Devil’s Bridge in the background, a scene from the new series shot by France Studio for France Télévision: “La Disparue de Compostelle” is born under the lenses. The series which notably brings to the screen Olivia Côte, Nicole Calfan, Samir Boitard and François Dominique Blin is a detective story which takes shape in a rural environment, in the landscapes steeped in history of the Heart of Hérault.

The Heart of Hérault, epicenter of the filming

Directed by Floriane Crépin based on a screenplay by Pierre Monjanel, season 1 of “The Missing of Compostelle” will consist of four 52-minute episodes and will be broadcast in a few months on France 2. Filming began at the end of November in and is continuing. in the Heart of Hérault, notably in Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, or in Saint-Pargoire, until the beginning of February, with, in addition to the actors and extras, a solid team made up of nearly forty technicians. This Monday, January 6, in the morning, the France TV Studio teams took pictures in the area of ​​the Saint-Sylvestre-des-Brousses Romanesque church, located in Puéchabon, before continuing filming on the banks of the river. Hérault, on Pont-du-Diable beach.

The spotlight on Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert

In the series, Olivia Côte plays Jeanne Nogarède, a gendarme from Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert. Without a doubt, the medieval city, where the team will set up its cameras for three weeks, will be in the spotlight of “The Missing of Compostelle”. In the meantime, under the illustrious plane tree of Place de la Liberté, in Saint-Guilhem, the residents are already in the rhythm of filming.



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