The largest museum in the world welcomed 8.7 million visitors last year, an attendance almost equivalent to that of 2023. This, despite a difficult summer marked by “the very unique context of the Olympics”.
Attendance at the Louvre Museum was almost maintained in 2024, at 8.7 million visitors, despite a decrease during the summer marked by the holding of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, according to figures published Monday by the institution. The largest museum in the world « maintains (…) its attendance at the level of that of 2023 »with 8.7 million visitors (8.9 million in 2023), « in the very unique context of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games »estimated the Louvre Museum in a press release sent to AFP.
In July and August, months which partly included the period during which the Paris Games were held, the museum welcomed 1.3 million visitors, a drop of 14% compared to July-August 2023. The Louvre had to close the July 25 and 26, day of the opening ceremony of the Games. However, the Olympic and Paralympic Games « offered the Louvre worldwide visibility »especially outdoors, « due to the installation of the Olympic cauldron on the Tuileries estate, which enjoyed great popular success »welcomes the museum, which highlights « good numbers all late in the season ».
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In 2024, the Louvre welcomed 77% foreign visitors, including 13% Americans and a number of Europeans (5% Italy, United Kingdom and Germany, 4% Spain). « Chinese visitors (6 % against 2.4 %) are beginning a significant return »underlines the museum. Note that 28% of visitors benefited from the free admission to the museum, which increased its prices just a year ago (22 euros for the full price).
The Orsay Museum and the Orangerie stay the course
Other museums popular with tourists: Orsay and the Orangerie welcomed 4.9 million visitors in 2024, compared to 5.07 million the previous year, according to the public establishment in a press release. Overall attendance « only dropped by 3 % compared to that of 2023, a year of record attendance. It is up more than 15 % compared to 2022 »he adds. « Summer attendance was down during the JOP (-26 % at the Musée d’Orsay compared to 2023, -22 % at the Orangerie Museum) »underlines the institution, noting however that « the audience welcomed (…) during this period was younger than usual ».
“Overall attendance only dropped by 3 % compared to that of 2023, a year of record attendance. It is up more than 15 % compared to 2022 »
Orsay Museum
2024 is notably « marked by the success of temporary exhibitions »especially Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise. The last few months, with 794,000 visitors, i.e. the « best exhibition attendance since the museum opened ».