Biopic dedicated to the man who has been called “the father of the atomic bomb”, “Oppenheimer”, directed by Christopher Nolan and with Cillian Murphy in the title role, is a rich, abundant and fascinating work.
The film won the Academy Award for Best Picture as well as six other statuettes. It retraces in three hours the key moments in the life of Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967), the American physicist, scientific director of the “Manhattan Project”, a research program which made it possible to produce the first atomic bomb during the Second War. worldwide.
Robert Oppenheimer is the one who brought the planet into the nuclear age before being assailed by doubt in the face of his creation which had become a tool of all power.
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The film does not retrace the history of the atomic bomb, but truly paints the portrait of the physicist. “For me, the film is about the life of Robert Oppenheimer and the impact the bomb had on him literally and metaphorically. If this had been a film about the project, we wouldn’t have had an hour of his life before the bomb and an hour on his life after the bomb”, indicates in the 12:30 p.m. of August 10 Jessica Fox, physics student at the University of the California Institute of Technology.
The feature film also tells the story of the post-war period and how Robert Oppenheimer became a world star, then the target of personal vengeance and of part of America because of his supposed communist sympathies.
>> Also read: “Oppenheimer”, the story of the father of the atomic bomb, Christopher Nolan version
“Oppenheimer” was released at the same time as the blockbuster “Barbie”, which undoubtedly won the battle for theaters and Halloween costumes, but Christopher Nolan’s film added seven Oscars to its 330 million dollars of revenue in the United States.