Faustine Bollaert confirms the cancellation of her show It’s worth it on France 2

Faustine Bollaert confirms the cancellation of her show It’s worth it on France 2
Faustine Bollaert confirms the cancellation of her show It’s worth it on France 2

Welcomed by Jade and Éric Dussart on the show We’re remaking TV (RTL), Saturday June 29, Faustine Bollaert spoke about her professional desires and confirmed the cancellation of Is it worth ita program launched last fall on France 2.

In the heart of autumn 2023, France 2 took the gamble of shaking up its programme schedule on Saturday afternoons to offer Is it worth ita magazine presented by Faustine Bollaert, a host well known to the French since she is also at the helm of It starts today. Saturday June 29, the 45-year-old journalist was the guest of the show We’re remaking TVbroadcast on RTL. Speaking to Jade and Éric Dussart, Abbie and Peter’s mother confirmed the cancellation of Is it worth itof which only a few issues had been broadcast with the ambition of helping viewers live better and spend less.

Faustine Bollaert: “I’m not looking to do TV at all costs”

“No, there will not be a new formula, because we started on another project”replied Faustine Bollaert point blank, when Éric Dussart asked her if she planned to remodel Is it worth itThe woman who will take over the controls of a program on RTL at the end of August then explained that the time slot in which this program was broadcast, around 5 p.m., was “extremely complicated”. We had trouble finding each other: we didn’t know if we were doing a consumer show [ou] newsshe finally conceded, in order to support her point of view on the subject. And by dint of searching, we said to ourselves: ‘When there is a doubt, it is because there is no doubt. Maybe it should stop there, maybe it was written like that.'” “I’m not looking to make TV at any cost.added the journalist, thus supporting her reasoning. I thought, ‘This story has no place.'”

Faustine Bollaert feels the urge to go “towards more lightness” on the television

On RTL, Faustine Bollaert also confirmed to Éric Dussart that she felt the desire to go “towards more lightness to counterbalance the emotional charge of It starts today. “When I see how much fun I have on Prodigies Or on The Secret Boxhow much good it does me, to come back even more available for my guests, I told the management of France 2 that I also wanted to have fun, to get some fresh air.” An aspiration that seems to have been heard by the channel. “We have a lot of stuff in development and some great things that are going to happen”, concluded Faustine Bollaert, all smiles. There is no doubt that his fans can’t wait to find out more…

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias



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