Pierre Arditi, 79, reveals the amount of his very “honorable” pension, “Contrary to what you think…”

Pierre Arditi, 79, reveals the amount of his very “honorable” pension, “Contrary to what you think…”
Pierre Arditi, 79, reveals the amount of his very “honorable” pension, “Contrary to what you think…”

After a difficult end to 2023, punctuated by several on-stage ailments during performances of the play LaplandPierre Arditi has not put his career on hold. 79 answhere many aspire to a quiet retirement, Evelyne Bouix’s husband seems unstoppable. It is now in a TV movie for France 3,
Cursedin which he has been filming since June 17 alongside Constance Gay, Pierre Arditi is making his big comeback.

He had also wanted to reassure his audience last March during his appearance on the show. In Aparté on Canal +: I’m doing very well. The only thing is that I don’t stand very straight, but that has nothing to do with any illness I may have had.” More recently, it was on the set of Jordan De Luxe, in the show At Jordan’s on C8, the French actor looked back on his career, his life, but also took part in the famous cash question concerning the amount of his pension.

Pierre Arditi reveals the amount of his “honorable” retirement

And the least we can say is that Pierre Arditi played the game and responded honestlywithout makeup.
“When your name is Pierre Arditi, how much pension do you get?”started by asking Jordan De Luxe. “In all honesty, the two pensions combined, once I have paid my taxes since it is deducted now, I must receive approximately 4.500 eurosthe 79-year-old actor replied.

Before adding: “It is an honorable retirement for someone who has worked for 60 years“. The actor then wanted to clarify: “Contrary to what you might think, I don’t earn 12, 15 or 20,000 euros per month.“. But Pierre Arditi nevertheless considers himself privileged and grateful to receive such an amount for his retirement while reminding the camera: “4,500 euros per month, there is lots of people who would be happy to touch them.”

Photo credit: C8 Pierre Arditi reveals the “honorable” amount of his retirement on the set of Jordan De Luxe

Pierre Arditi and his political convictions

On the occasion of the show, the actor also spoke about
his political orientationsreferring to an archive photo released showing him kissing the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macronduring his victory in the 2017 presidential elections. Pierre Arditi has never hidden the fact that he voted for Emmanuel Macron in the last presidential elections rather than for the left-wing candidate.

He also confides about the head of stateas related Closer : “I like the President of the Republic. There are things I agree with, others I disagree with less. I would like him to stick the left pedal deeper than the right. But he does things, he is courageous.” At the time, the man long considered a man of the left, created a surprise.

Pierre Arditi ““rather left cassoulet than caviar”

“I can’t say that I was criticized for it. It was surprising, I’m a kind of left-wing man.”shared the actor. Jordan De Luxe then bounced back:
“Yes, sometimes we say gauche caviar !”
Pierre Arditi, however, wanted to correct these remarks: “I’m more of a left-wing man, more of a cassoulet left-winger than a caviar left-winger.”

Photo credit: C8 Pierre Arditi returns to his political opinions

Before expressing his indifference to anyone who would pass judgment on him: “I let the c*****s express themselves
as they likeI don’t care at all.”
He then added: And in any case, even if I happened to eat caviar and be left-wing, it would be all the more more commendable at home. If I had those means, I should rather be right-wing.”
And to conclude: “So if I fight for people who don’t have not the means that I end up having some too, it’s rather better than the opposite.”



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