Is Kevin Costner Already on the Brink of Financial Disaster?

According to the American site Variety, the first box office figures for the film “Horizon: An American Saga” – which is to have four parts – seem to indicate more than mixed success for this western, in which Kevin Costner invested part of his money. personal wealth.

A merciless world. Kevin Costner must not have been particularly comfortable when he discovered the first figures for his film “Horizon: An American Saga” at the American box office, where it accumulated 4.1 million dollars (around 3.8 million euros). A worrying figure in view of its 100 million dollars budget – including almost 50 million dollars coming from the actor’s personal fortune for the first two parts of a saga which must include four in total.

According to the American website Variety, these first days of the film’s theatrical release suggest that “Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1” is likely to have the greatest difficulty covering its costs. And even more so to make a profit. Note that Chapter 2 is supposed to be released in August, that Chapter 3 is currently being filmed. And that Chapter 4 remains in the project stage for the moment. And could remain so permanently if the figures do not recover.

More of a mini-series than an epic saga

During its screening at the last Cannes Film Festival, numerous criticisms were expressed from the specialized press against this project which looks more like a mini-series intended for television, than an epic cinematographic saga. and essential.

The first film, currently in theaters, introduces the vast world in which the main characters evolve, and sets the scene for events to come. An effective recipe on the small screen which can prove fatal in cinema, explains Variety.

Kevin Costner can only hope that “Horizon: An American Saga” will follow the same path as “Dances with Wolves,” which, when it was released in 1991, was presented as a disaster waiting to happen after a timid start at the box office.

This feature film, which marked his debut as a director, ended up raising the bar to become the sixth highest-grossing film of the year, before being crowned with the Oscar for film and best director.



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