Azereix. Music Festival: a very nice surprise

Azereix. Music Festival: a very nice surprise
Azereix. Music Festival: a very nice surprise

It is thanks to the perseverance of Marie Laure Eydely in her capacity as head of the municipal library that year after year the music festival continues in our village.

After thanking all those involved for the good organization of this event, the origin of which dates back to 1982 at the initiative of the Minister of Culture Jack Lang, she presented ”Cout Circuit”, a brand new local musical group.

Last year, always on the lookout for new events, we remember that she had launched an appeal to people around her to form an orchestra. And here, after a few rehearsals, on this Friday, June 21, 6 retirees… so-called musicians, took their places in the premises of the village hall for an unprecedented premiere, in front of an audience of somewhat perplexed connoisseurs.

Were we going to witness a resounding flop? Very quickly, from the first notes of the guitar, doubt gave way to real enchantment, each of the actors being at ease in front of their score for a remarkable interpretation of a repertoire adapted to an audience nostalgic for their youth and often in search of lyrics rich in meaning like those of the song by Renaud who “planted an orange tree on Irish soil and whose flowers gave the sweet fruits of freedom”. After about ten pieces, it was with a title revealing the state of mind of this group of friends that their performance ended: “working is too hard” and which ends with “Every day that I live, They ask me what I live for, I say I live on love, And I hope to live old”

Let us indeed wish long life to these friends who experience a certain pleasure in playing their instruments around Xavier, their multi-skilled singer, because he is also a member of the Pastous group, whom he joined outside to continue the evening with the Iboscéen neighbors Plantagulhes for a long and wide cantère.

A very nice meeting as we like them in the rural environment, which also made it possible to satisfy appetites thanks to the active presence of the Parents’ Association, also well invested in this music festival around the piano… kitchens.



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