Artist Soriba Kouyaté and his sidekick brought before the public prosecutor after stealing more than 500 million CFA francs

Artist Soriba Kouyaté and his sidekick brought before the public prosecutor after stealing more than 500 million CFA francs
Artist Soriba Kouyaté and his sidekick brought before the public prosecutor after stealing more than 500 million CFA francs

The popularity of the artist El Hadj Soriba Kouyaté is not limited to the music world because he is a singer-artist and even goes beyond to the prison environment. According to the Observateur du jour, the artist is being prosecuted for a series of burglaries committed in upscale areas of the capital and his “last hit was carried out in the peaceful neighborhoods of Mermoz, and Sicap Foire between 2020 and 2024.

According to the terms of the investigation, the newspaper continues, “he committed in the company of his sidekick, Abdoulaye Sow, also a singer, a series of burglaries” ranging from gold jewelry, laptops to sums of money. Picked up by the bloodhounds of the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC), they were “brought yesterday Monday to the Dakar prosecutor’s office for criminal association, theft committed in a group with break-in and use of means of transport.”

To overcome these two burglars, the DIC police officers exploited the complaints of citizens who complained about “thefts involving 5.6 and 500 million CFA francs respectively”. The complainants maintained to investigators that “their apartments were burglarized during 2020-2023 and 2024 and filed extracts from surveillance cameras” which allowed the police to identify the perpetrators of these thefts who are none other than El Hadji Soriba Kouyaté and Abdoulaye Sow.

Thus, a search notice was issued against the musician Soriba Kouyaté, who was finally arrested last Friday; When questioned, the artist denied the facts and blamed them on his uterine brother. Sow, his sidekick, admitted to having taken part in this crime, along with two sidekicks. When asked what they did with the stolen gold jewelry and Mac Book Pro and Lenovo computers, Sow said he sold them to Colobane without revealing the name of the receiver.

Presented to the witness, the little brother of one of the victims recognized Soriba Kouyaté, better he presented him as being the thief of his grandmother’s jewelry at their home at Sicap-Foire.



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