Quinté on Sunday June 30, 2024 in Saint-Cloud: the predictions

Quinté on Sunday June 30, 2024 in Saint-Cloud: the predictions
Quinté on Sunday June 30, 2024 in Saint-Cloud: the predictions

Find Dominique Cordier’s predictions for the Quinté on Sunday June 30, 2024 in Saint-Cloud, the Prix Le Parisien. Departure at 3:15 p.m. 16 starters. Flat. 1,400 meters. Soft ground. Thoroughbreds 4 years and older.

If the ground remains good, the numbers on the ropes will be important, especially since the running, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud requires, is placed at 0. In the event that the forecast storms soak the track, they will play much less their role as arbiter. Suddenly, given its meteorological uncertainties, we are heading into the unknown.

Well placed at the start, the 4 Opalus Road gets out of all terrains, which makes it a great support point.

We will then discuss the two “Ferlands”, the 15 Times Boulevardwith Maxime Guyon, as well as the 7 Loubeisienwhich is much better than what it currently shows.

The outsider of RTL, le 8 Toijk, is the dean of this event. However, he is one of the best distance specialists at the start, who would benefit from the softening of the track.

Finally, pay attention to the top weight, the 1 Whispering Dreamwho has been looking for his race since the beginning of the season and can claim to find it here…

The predictions:

4. Opalus Road
15. Times Boulevard
8. Toijk
1. Whispering Dream
12. Alva
5. Royal Shake
7. Loubeisien

The RTL outsider

8. Toijk

Results for Friday June 28, 2024 in Vincennes:

The RTL favourite (2nd) and the RTL outsider (3rd) hold their rank: the selection indicates the Quinté.

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