Cotentin. “The result is magnificent”: Baby.K signs a new fresco in this school

Cotentin. “The result is magnificent”: Baby.K signs a new fresco in this school
Cotentin. “The result is magnificent”: Baby.K signs a new fresco in this school


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 3:10 p.m.

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Baby.K: his name may not mean anything to you, but you have definitely already seen one of this artist’s works. graffiti artist in the Saire Valleyon one of the log cabin or at the Réville butcher’s shop, at a bus shelter in Saint-Pierre-Église (Manche) or elsewhere.

In this month of June 2024, Baby. K put down his spray paintSeaside school of Reville.

Since the installation of solar panels on the roofs two years ago, we were looking for a project to add color and enhance the exterior walls of the school. We applied for funding from the National Education’s educational innovation fund, which granted us a budget of 3,500 euros to create this fresco.

Philippe Leplongeon, director of the establishment

Contacted, Baby. K immediately responded: “I speak in several schools each year,” explains the 41-year-old artist. The idea is to closely associate the students to the design of works. I meet with each class and present my work for an hour. This helps to remove the apprehensions often associated with spray paint and to gain the support of the schoolchildren.

After a large round table with all the students and their teachersa theme was chosen: the mer. “It’s completely logical for the Bord de Mer school,” notes Philippe Leplongeon. Around fifty students participated in this collective work. »

100 colors used

After a week of work, the collective works are finally visible. In addition to the name of the school on an old blackboard background and the motto of the Republicthe courtyard is now decorated with a large porthole straight out of Jules Verne and an immense drakkar whose sail bears the Réville coat of arms.

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This is a suggestion from our mayor. The idea was good. The colors pop and the result is magnificent.

Philippe Leplongeon, director of the establishment

To create all of the works, Baby. K used nearly 100 different colors. “With the spray, you can’t mix,” he explains. “So you have to use as many colors as possible to create relief and perspective.”

A successful bet for the artist: the students now see their school with another eye, that of little budding graffiti artists.

From our correspondent Frédéric SENGES

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