2024 Olympics: eight spray paint panels exhibited in Fresnay-sur-Sarthe

2024 Olympics: eight spray paint panels exhibited in Fresnay-sur-Sarthe
2024 Olympics: eight spray paint panels exhibited in Fresnay-sur-Sarthe


Alençon Editorial

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 1:56 p.m.

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In less than a month, France will be living to the rhythm of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. To mark the occasion, the town of Fresnay-sur-Sarthe inaugurated, on Monday, June 17, 2024, The Sport and Art exhibition in the castle grounds.

“This exhibition has been awarded the Cultural Olympiad label by Paris 2024 and will be on display until September 22,” announced Fabienne Labrette-Ménager, Mayor of the City.

Eight panels made

Eight panels were produced. THE Georges-Durand schools (CE1 to CM2) and Our Lady of Saint Joseph (CM1 and CM2) made two each. Just like the children of Escale social center and the young people of the Sarthe Nord local mission.

The exhibition was completed by a production by Alexandre Marnat, a 43-year-old painter and graffiti artist from Alençon (Orne), known under the name Rist.

The artist Alexandre Marnat next to a panel created by young people from the Escale social center. ©L’Orne Hebdo
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From March to May, the Alençonnais hosted spray painting workshops, lasting two hours, with different local players.

I really enjoyed working with children and young teenagers. It was a great motivation with young people who were interested and attentive. It was really a great project!

Alexandre Marnat, artist

As part of the Terre de Jeux 2024 label, the municipality wanted to set up a collaborative artistic project around sport.

“Thank you to our artist for bringing this project to fruition. Beyond the artistic aspect, we must also note the work around the regulations linked to graphic art,” concluded the elected official.

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