In the Mauges, Scène de Pays delivers the programming for its next season

In the Mauges, Scène de Pays delivers the programming for its next season
In the Mauges, Scène de Pays delivers the programming for its next season

The cultural season of Scène de Pays ended on a positive note. With 54 shows and 26,900 admissions, the year was « belle » for the cultural operator of Mauges (Maine-et-Loire), rejoices Sylvie Marné, vice-president in charge of culture and heritage: “There is real loyalty from the public, we are lucky.”

The curtain has fallen on the 2023-2024 season. Now it’s time for the next one with a written program “four hands” between the former artistic director of Scène de Pays, Éric Audusseau (left at the end of 2023) and his successor, Benjamin Tanguy. “It is a multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, varied and itinerant program,” sums up the new conductor of Scène de Pays.

Comedian Pablo Mira will be at La Loge on September 28, 2024. | AUDOIN-DESFORGES
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Comedian Pablo Mira will be at the Lodge on September 28, 2024. | AUDOIN-DESFORGES

Ayo, Pablo Mira, François and Valentin Morel…

Theater, dance, humor, music, circus, street art, storytelling… In total, 51 shows are planned in around twenty venues in Mauges. The public will be able to see some of the headliners there. On September 28, comedian Pablo Maria will stop in Mauges to deliver his one on stage Simple past. For lovers of melodies that oscillate between soul, folk and reggae, go to the concert of the singer Ayo, on December 6 at La Loge, in Beaupréau.

A few days later (December 12), Guillaume Meurice will hold a humorous and scientific conference alongside astrophysicist Éric Lagadec: To infinity (but not beyond). At the beginning of February, it will be the turn of the actor and director François Morel to come to the Mauges with his son Valentin Morel. They will give a reading of the best pages of their “dictionary like no other” signed with four hands: The dictionary for lovers of the useless.

François Morel will come with his son Valentin Morel, on February 2, 2025, to the Lodge, in Beaupréau. The duo will give a reading of the best pages of the “Dictionary in Love with the Useless” that they wrote together. | ARNAUD JOURNOIS
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François Morel will come with his son Valentin Morel, on February 2, 2025, to the Loge, in Beaupréau. The duo will give a reading of the best pages of the “Amorous Dictionary of the Useless” that they wrote together. | ARNAUD JOURNOIS

A new traveling season where the public will be able, like last year, to discover places of local heritage: the Bellière park, the Champ-Blanc high school, the Peau carpentry, the Saint-Florent-le-Vieil abbey, the Ilette valley and the Île aux Bergères.

Theater, circus, puppetry, dance, film concert… Scène de Pays continues its ambition to open up the artistic offer to the youngest. Around twenty shows are scheduled for kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school and rural family home classes.


Some new features with a big weekend of music, from December 6 to 8. Artistic projects that will combine the world of cooking with music and theater such as The Authors’ Kitchenfrom the company Avec cœur & panache (October 19 and 20), or even a brunch concert around New Orleans, on October 1is June. Also discover conferences to democratize science, a comic book concert on green algae, and immersive projects where the public is mixed with the artists.

A program that the associative cinemas of Mauges are joining in. Before and after the performances, the public will be able to discover films that resonate or shed different light on the themes of a handful of shows.

“Unknown Evidences”, by the Rode Boom company, on Tuesday, January 7 at the Théâtre-Foirail, in Chemillé. | TANJA RUITER
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“Unknown Evidence”, by the Rode Boom company, Tuesday January 7 at the Théâtre-Foirail, in Chemillé. | TANJA RUITER

The director’s favorites

Not easy to choose between all the shows. Benjamin Tanguy’s favorites are numerous. For the theater, which still holds an important place with around ten plays programmed, he cites Far out in the seafrom the company l’Oiseau-Mouche. The company’s actors with mental or psychological disabilities perform an adaptation of The little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, written and directed by Lisa Guez. “They have a particular view of the work. It’s a rather impressive and touching show,” appreciates the director.

On the dance side, he retains Happy demonstration, feet parallel from the David Rolland company. Equipped with a helmet, the public embarks on a “choreographic stroll”. Another suggestion, I joke with lovewhich questions the place of dance in seduction.

On the music side, Benjamin Tanguy evokes the concert of the ensemble led by the famous double bassist Renaud Garcia Fons, The breath of the strings. In the family of circus and street art, we will remember Unknown evidence from the Rode Boom company. A captivating show where Kurt Demey combines theater, music and mentalism.

The opening of subscriptions will begin Thursday, July 4, at 2 p.m. To subscribe, you will need to choose at least three shows or purchase a Scène de Pays card (€10). The non-subscription ticket office will open Tuesday, September 3, at 2 p.m.

Information : 02 41 75 38 34; or on the site:



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