Interview. Cotentin. Mythical cars, emblematic characters… A weekend of entertainment dedicated to cinema

Interview. Cotentin. Mythical cars, emblematic characters… A weekend of entertainment dedicated to cinema
Interview. Cotentin. Mythical cars, emblematic characters… A weekend of entertainment dedicated to cinema


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 2:03 p.m.

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If we talk about the film “ET” or the Delorean car, or that of “Taxi”, or even iconic characters such as those from “Star Wars” and “Chaplin”, you answer that it is far away and we can no longer meet them.

Think again: the August 3 and 4, 2024these characters, these cars and this film, among many others, will be present in Carteret (Manche). Magali Coulommiers and the team that supports her and works to make these two days a success, created the association Cin’été une fois.

What is your project ?

Magali Coulommiers: “It is a solidarity project for the benefit of children weakened by illness and/or disability, all of the profits of which will go to the Rêves de la Manche association and the Association of pediatricians and childcare workers of Cherbourg who will be at our side the August 3 and 4. We offer a weekend through the 7e art in collaboration with the municipality and the Plage cinema to bring smiles and joy during these two days to all families. »

Are all families affected?

Magali Coulommiers: “In fact, we are organizing a weekend for everyone with free entry outdoors on both days. We hope that all the families and friends will come and eat on site and relax over a drink and have a great time with us. Because everything that is spent on the event will be donated in full to the two associations mentioned who work daily with their volunteers for the well-being of vulnerable children. I say our children because we can all be affected. Each of us can walk through the door of a pediatric department. »

Lucia, Annabelle and Sébastian, future stars filmed by Tom, David for a teaser to see on the “Cin’été une fois” Facebook page. ©Document provided to La Presse de la Manche

Looking for partners

It’s still a long way off, but can you tell us the program?

Magali Coulommiers: “There will be two events. On Saturday from 9 p.m., you can attend an open-air screening offered by our partner Crédit Mutuel. We will be able to see or rewatch the legendary film “ET”. The tourist train participates in the event and will bring travelers from Portbail for those who wish. Come dress in red like Eliot. Hot dogs, drinks, popcorns and pancakes will be offered on site to raise funds for associations. The second event will take place on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. with a program in the Beach cinema in connection with our town and two film concerts. Reservation and details on Hello Asso. In the parking lot, you will discover Delorean cars, Taxi cars, Transformers cars and many others. You will meet iconic characters like those from “Star Wars”, “Marvel” or “Chaplin” and photos will be possible. There will also be movie poster sales. The cars will parade through the city in the morning. They will accompany our little dreamers to the rescue center where the sponsor of the Rêves Delegation de la Manche association, our French sea rowing champion Pierrick Ledard, will welcome them with numerous firefighters. Baby K will create a graph on the wall of the Plage cinema with the children of the Rêves association. The Cotentin Rasso motos association will be present and will offer a solidarity ride (registration on the site). »

Videos: currently on -

Do you need patrons?

Magali Coulommiers: “The idea of ​​Cin’été is to allow everyone, citizens, elected officials, merchants, artisans, associations, hand in hand, to unite for the same cause, for a weekend. end for children weakened by illness and/or disability. Yes, we need partners, patrons. I thank all the partners who support us and the municipality. »

From our correspondent Chantal LECLERC

The event is planned for Barneville-Carteret on August 3 and 4. If you want to respond as a partner or make a donation to both associations, Hello Asso Ciné’été once is waiting for you.

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