Eure: this village will welcome two very successful authors for its book fair on Thursday June 27


Pierre Boissonnat

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

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For his third Book Fairthe village ofAutheuil-Authouilletin the Eure valley, near Gaillon, pulled off a nice coup by attracting two big names from the literary world in addition to the 36 Norman authors invited, Thursday June 27, 2024.

In fact, the Library-Media Library and the municipality have achieved the feat of being able to count Michel Bussi And Bernard Minier during the event which will follow, as is now the tradition, the school prize giving ceremony.

“We are very happy to be able to welcome two big names who will, we hope, attract readers,” emphasize Réjane Toussaint, responsible for the BM2A and Denis Noelthe mayor.

Michel Bussi, at home

For the second time in three editions, the successful writer Michel Bussi will be present at the Autheuil-Authouillet book fair (Eure), Thursday June 27, 2024. ©Archives Le Bulletin

Michel Bussi, Loverian writer of best-selling books with national resonance, has strong links with this village in the Eure valley. In September 2017, he came to inaugurate the new village media library then, in June 2022, the author of New Babel, was already the guest of honor at the first edition of the show. The one whose sister, Isabelle, lives in Autheuil-Authouillet, will therefore come to present his latest work on Thursday: My Heart is movingreleased in January.

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A debate between the two authors

With all these links with the village, Michel Bussi helped the organizers to convince his friend Bernard Minieralso author of detective novels which sell thousands of copies including Iceto accompany him to the Eure valley next Thursday.

The author of detective novels Bernard Minier will be one of the headliners of the 3rd Autheuil-Authouillet book fair (Eure), Thursday June 27, 2024. ©bruno levy – Anthony Assemat

In addition to discussing his latest novel with readers, An eye in the night, the writer from Béziers will debate with Michel Bussi about how to construct stories. A time for discussion which will be hosted by Frédéric Julien.

38 writers featured

Other authors can rest assured, the organizers have planned the parade so that these two headliners do not monopolize the attention of visitors. “As we now have around thirty guests, we are going to open an additional room in the library,” says Réjane Toussaint. “In one, there will be Michel Bussi, in the other, Bernard Minier. This will prevent them from spending their time talking together,” laughs Denis Noël.

For readers who are not aficionados of thrillers or detective novels, they can rest assured: “Like every year, there will be something for everyone. Among the regional authors that we invite, there are some who write novels, children’s books, but also comics, essays or poetry,” explains Réjane Toussaint.

Full list of authors

For this third edition, the Book Fair continues its growth. After welcoming 25 authors last year, the organizers managed to attract 38 writers. Here is the full list
Michel Bussi,
Bernard Minier,
Jean-Michel Adde,
Anne Dequervil,
Paul Le Trevier
Stéphane Maillot
Marc Masse
Catherine Mathieu
Yvan Michotte
Danielle Morin
Fred Romanuik
Nathalie Salmon
Nathalie Sauvage
Marc Decaudin
Véronique Beaumont
Séverine Blaise
Roger Delaporte
Gisele Delaporte
Dominique Krauskopf
Odile Marteau Guernion
Christian Milleret
Catherine Gadon
Kitty Darcy
Jean-Sébastien Blanck
Nadine Chauvin
Guy Moreau
Alain Pyre
Gregory Bernard
Jean Van Elslande
Dominique Lapeyre
Séverine Courard-Vieuxbled
Karine Lebert
Marie-B Gaube-Bagage
Isabelle Renault
Bastien D. Arenysce
Dany DEB
Régine Thieulent-Torreton

In addition to this, a hunt for lost books will be set up. “There will be puzzles to solve by browsing the entire show to find books to win which will be placed on the authors’ tables,” specifies the mayor.

A program which will undoubtedly attract, once again, readers to this small village on the banks of the Eure.

3rd edition of the Autheuil-Authouillet Book Fair, Thursday June 27, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the village library, rue Yves-Montand. FREE ENTRANCE.

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