The Royal Manufacture of Montolieu unveils the delicate Hanging Gardens by Sylvie Peyneau

The Royal Manufacture of Montolieu unveils the delicate Hanging Gardens by Sylvie Peyneau
The Royal Manufacture of Montolieu unveils the delicate Hanging Gardens by Sylvie Peyneau

This is the second edition of A Summer in Montolieu at the Royal Manufacture with a new exhibition to discover.

It’s a new event that’s taking place in the book village. For the second consecutive year, the Royal Manufacture welcomes the Toulouse OAK gallery. From Place Moutoulieu in the pink city to the village of Montolieu, there is only one letter which, with an unusual wink, sealed the meeting between the gallery owner Antoine Vignault and the artisans of the rebirth of the Royal Manufacture which has become a warm guest house, Bart and Marieke De Jonge.

The exhibition is also an opportunity to discover the magnificent renovation of the site.
The Independent – CL

The old textile factory, built in the 18th century, on the banks of the Dure is made up of an imposing building of majestic dimensions listed as a Historic Monument. The elegant stone vessel has been restored with patience and passion for 20 years by its new owners who have transformed it into a dream vacation home for clients who have often become frequent regulars.

Churches discovered by Sylvie Peyneau during a trip to Portugal
The Independent – CL

This summer, they are hosting the works of the artist Sylvie Peyneau, whose hanging gardens respond wonderfully to the terraced gardens facing them. She draws her inspiration from nature to better decipher its sensations and vibrations in paintings born from her observations. Its wild herbaria are snapshots of wild flowers that flood the surface. It also offers more mysterious landscapes like this Japanese garden with deep colors which seems to attract attention from the most famous water lilies. Its churches offer curious silhouettes with their dancing facades which reflect the light. Like tall wild grasses swaying in the wind, Sylvie Peyneau oscillates between abstraction and figuration to delve into the roots of her art and take her brushes through paths dotted with subtle touches.

Visit by appointment at La Manufacture royale de Montolieu, contact 06 34 48 39 95 or by email [email protected]



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