a ceremony for Eugène Albert and Clément Coutard

a ceremony for Eugène Albert and Clément Coutard
a ceremony for Eugène Albert and Clément Coutard

Saturday June 22, 2024, Bernard Giraudeau, president of the National Union of Combatants of Les Ormes, Béatrice Fontaine mayor of the town, numerous standard bearers and sympathizers met at the foot of the Poizay stele to commemorate the ultimate sacrifice of the gunners Eugène Albert and Clément Coutard, who died for France on June 22, 1940.

After the laying of the wreath at the foot of the stele, carried out by the mayor and Bernard Giraudeau, the speeches were delivered. “We must remember the sacrifice of these young soldiers, proclaims Bernard Giraudeau. They died for our homeland. I fervently hope that others, young or old, will continue our action and perpetuate the duty of memory. Our freedom, dearly won, is not completely won. We must defend it. »

At the time, on June 20, 1940, the French delegation went back to Paris and Rethondes to negotiate the armistice. A few dozen days later, the German breakthrough in the Ardennes brought the fighting to French soil. In order to facilitate the conditions of the armistice, order is given to the soldiers of the 110e colonial heavy artillery regiment to stop this progression. During the day of June 21, French artillery pieces were installed on Poizay. The next day, the battle began and resulted in deaths on both sides. Two gunners fell and 13 were wounded.



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