“A Little Something Extra” breaks records in Sarthois cinemas

“A Little Something Extra” breaks records in Sarthois cinemas
“A Little Something Extra” breaks records in Sarthois cinemas

Artus’ feel good comedy continues its crazy adventure, with incredible attendance records since its theatrical release on May 1. After seven weeks of release, the film “A little thing more” has already attracted seven million spectators in mid-June. It is the biggest success since the pandemic for a French film and the Sarthe cinemas are taking full advantage of it.

The film aims to laugh with people with disabilities, in all kindness, with actors with mental disabilities. This is what marked Angélique who discovered this feature film this Wednesday, June 19. “It was fun, it was so good, I’m going to go back and see it with my parents”exclaims this young woman, herself with a disability.

And this pleasure is shared by his entire group of residents of the specialized reception center Les Collines de Sillé-le-Guillaume. This film is quite faithful to realityit reflects well what they experience and how we support them on a daily basis, with joy and good humor.”recognizes the educator, Alexandra.

Already 44,000 spectators at the CGR of Saint-Saturnin

During this election period, the sessions are popular and do the public a lot of good. And the Sarthe spectators are particularly fans! Proof, since May 1, 44,000 people have gone to see this film at the CGR in Saint-Saturnin, in the suburbs of Le Mans, including 10,000 spectators in the first week. According to the count made by the director, Laurent Barriquault, his cinema is the second French theater in terms of attendance for this filmafter the Kinepolis in Lomme, the first multiplex in France, in the suburbs of Lille.

Director Laurent Barriquault hopes to soon receive a visit from the film team at the CGR in Saint-Saturnin. © Radio France
Jean-Michel Nagat

“We’re experiencing something completely crazy, I haven’t experienced such madness around a film in yearshe said. Seeing the faces of the spectators leaving the cinema, smiling from ear to ear and with that little tear falling, because there’s a lot of emotion, it’s great!”

282 spectators in Saint-Mars-la-Brière

“A little thing in addition” breaks records in all Sarthois cinemas, in multiplexes and in smaller theaters, including during traveling screenings in the countryside. Usually, these sessions welcome around ten spectators per session, particularly elderly people. For this film, all generations are united.

Martial Leroy and Valérie Savattier from the Cinéambul association welcome a large audience to each of their traveling screenings. © Radio France
Jean-Michel Nagat

This is unheard of, confirms Valérie Savattier of l’association Cinéambul. In eight sessions, we have already reached 1,100 entries. In the small town of Saint-Mars-la-Brière, we made 282 entries, people applauded, they were really happyshe says. It gives joy, good humor, something is created, it’s magnificent!”

The film also attracted 10,000 spectators at the Confluences cinema in Sablé-sur-Sarthe, 4,000 at the Palace de La Ferté-Bernard, 3,000 at the Rex de Mamers**… And it’s far from over. With such popular success, this great “a little something extra” should stay on display until the end of summer.




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