This Top Gun Maverick actor will never forget this filming with Christopher Nolan: he almost had a concussion because of this scene

This Top Gun Maverick actor will never forget this filming with Christopher Nolan: he almost had a concussion because of this scene
This Top Gun Maverick actor will never forget this filming with Christopher Nolan: he almost had a concussion because of this scene

News culture This Top Gun Maverick actor will never forget this filming with Christopher Nolan: he almost had a concussion because of this scene

Published on 06/19/2024 at 2:25 p.m.

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There are shoots that some actors are unlikely to forget. Before playing in Top Gun: Maverick, this actor starred in a Christopher Nolan film, and he almost lost his head there. Fortunately the result was good!

Before starring in Top Gun Maverick, he had a small role in a Christopher Nolan film

In addition to allowing Tom Cruise to return to the forefront and collect an astronomical sum at the global box office, Top Gun: Maverick was also an excellent film to discover a whole new generation of actors and actresses in Hollywood. Among them, we find for example Glen Powell. Today known for his role in Top Gun, but also in Hit Man, Everything except you and soon in Twisters, the 35-year-old American actor did not have a very extensive career in cinema before being discovered on this occasion. However, he had the chance to play in a film of Christopher Nolan.

You probably didn’t notice it at the time and that’s normal, but Glen Powell played well in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises. However, he only had a few seconds of appearance on screen since he played the role of a trader in the central scene of the stock market heist by Bane, the antagonist of the film. However, it didn’t take much for him to remember this shoot even today and for good reason: he almost got a concussion.

Risky Business

For those who have not seen The Dark Knight Rises, a little context is in order. In the third and final volume of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, the main antagonist is none other than Bane. Very different from the character in the comics on which he is inspired, he still remains extremely imposing thanks to his particularly developed muscles. An unforgettable physique which required Tom Hardy, the actor who plays him, exceptional work. At a certain point in the film, Bane and his clique arrive at Gotham’s equivalent of Wall Street and carry out a terrorist attack to raise as much money as possible. As if to dissuade Bane, a trader then points out to him that there is no real money in the building unlike a bank, which earns him a huge scolding from the antagonist. This trader was then played by Glen Powell, and suffice to say that he is likely to remember it:

You know, Tom Hardy is not a weak man. It’s raw strength. He had to give me a little pat on the back of the head, so we did it a few times. We all succeeded, it was great. And then there was this last time where I think we were all a little carried away by the moment, and he slammed my head down on the keyboard. And I remember being a little stunned.

And Chris Nolan said to me “That was perfect Glen” and I said “Yeah, I think my head hit the keyboard hard”. And then Wally Pfister (director of photography, editor’s note), who is really funny, said to me “Dude, I don’t think I pressed record”. And Chris looked at me, and he said, “Do you think you can do it again exactly like that?” And I said “Absolutely.” But he told me “We’re kidding. Go see a doctor.”

You will have understood, before playing in Top Gun Maverick, Glen Powell took a big hit from Tom Hardy on the set of The Dark Knight Rises. Fortunately, the latter did not prevent him from continuing his career, and he is today considered one of the major actors of the new generation in Hollywood.



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