Saint-Céré. Festive day at the public garden on Sunday

Saint-Céré. Festive day at the public garden on Sunday
Saint-Céré. Festive day at the public garden on Sunday

Sunday June 30 at the Saint-Céré public garden, the Walnut Oil Mill and the Jardins du Pré d’Aubié association are organizing a festive day, from noon, with various activities. Free entry.

From midday, come and taste the “edible plates”, a type of crispy cake in the shape of flowers garnished with raw vegetables and sauces offered by the mill. There will be a refreshment bar for young and old (homemade syrups and craft beers).

At 2 p.m., the first round of the snail race begins, hosted by Rémi, a high-flying event which is always a great success. Then at 3 p.m., the Desiderare company presents its poetic show for young and old, “L’Amour Cow”, with the exceptional presence of the Salers cow named Myrtille. At 4 p.m., time for the long-awaited second round of the snail race (if the first runners have arrived…). A small snack will also be served.

Finally from 6 p.m., to close this pleasant afternoon, a group of 24 students from the University of Chichester, England, touring the region “The Blu Smoke Function Band” will play variety music from the 50s to 80, from Frank Sinatra to Whitney Houston via the BeeGees. Welcome !



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