OLYMPIC GAMES: The passing of the Flame, a day of celebration in Amiens!

Ⓒ Gazette Sports

The great popular festival of Thursday July 4 is approaching, with the long-awaited Olympic Flame that the people of Amiens are preparing to see pass in large numbers. For the occasion, a day of festivities is organized in Amiens Métropole. Young and old will find what they’re looking for!

As we recently announced, Amiens Métropole has lifted the veil on the route of the Flame within the city of Jules Verne, where it will stop next July 4. 7 km of route, starting from Quai Bélu to arrive at the Cirque Jules Verne. A one-and-a-half hour relay, where the Flame will pass from hand to hand, including bearers: Marie Collonvillé, Régis Gurtner, Joseph Mbongo, Maëlle Traoré selected by Amiens and Amiens Métropole as holders, but also Annemieke Fokkecaptain of the Torch Relay appointed by the Paris 2024 COJO.

A very lively day

To make this day a great celebration, these are a whole bunch of animations which are planned for visitors and residents of the Amiens metropolis:

  • Course of Champions to be completed in less than 3 minutes with the Ministry of the Armed Forces on the Place de l’Hôtel de Ville
  • Les Lives de la Flamme by France.tv (Place René Gobelet): installation of a television set, exhibition of sports photos, quizzes and live from the Relais…
  • Initiation and demonstrations from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 3 mini fields and collective relay during the passing of the flame with the French Field Hockey Federation, on the Place de l’Hôtel de Ville)
  • Enedis will organize events bringing together the public, Enedis employees, primary school students and three Paralympic athletes: Erika Sauzeau, Redouane Hennouni Bouzidi and Kevin De Witasse Thézy on Boulevard Faidherbe
  • The Savings Bank, partner of the Torch Relay, will offer musical entertainment bringing together the employees of the Savings Bank and the general public on Place Alphonse Fiquet.

In parallel, with the arrival of the Flame the route will be very lively with different orchestras :

  • The Amiens Brass Orchestra will be at the start of the relay at Place Parmentier, from 5:10 p.m. to 6:10 p.m. for a concert lasting approximately one hour before and during the first relay
  • The Banque Populaire, sponsor of the Flame Relay, had two 3m giants made by the craftsman Dorian Demarcq (giant workshop), for a fanfare event and stroll at 6 p.m. on Place Notre Dame at the intersection of rue Henri IV and Rue Dussevel.
  • The Municipal Harmony of Saleux will hold a musical event of 30 to 45 minutes with 30 musicians, between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
  • Primary and middle school students from Amiens and the department, who take part in the school orchestra project, will play on the Flame route as it passes through and in front of the Citadel around 6:20 p.m.

Finally, on Place Longueville, which will be the scene of the apotheosis of this day with the lighting of the cauldron activities are planned by Amiens Métropole from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. :

  • The Nautipoulpe Maquette (in the Jules Verne Circus): in residence from June 3 to July 5
  • Choreography “Amiens gets into the game” – Amiens Family’Sports
  • 3×3 women’s basketball demonstration – MABB
  • Acrobatic basketball – Crazy dunkers
  • Foot Freestyle – Gautier Fayolle and Pola Gomez
  • Breakdance – Surprise Effect
  • Trampoline show – Lionel Pioline et les Kids
  • Music and songs – Multivoice Choir

They will then give way, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., with events from the Paris 2024 committee. After the conflagration, it’s time for the After Flame which will take place from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. The public at Place du Cirque will be invited to accompany a Party Bus to take part in a unique show with artists from Amiens on Place Gambetta, including a concert by Dust + Guests to end this beautiful day under the sign of sport and values. of Olympism in the best possible way.

Photo credit: Louis Auvin – Gazette Sports



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