a teenager overwhelmed by her emotions and a baby in danger

Vice versa 2

The story

(© 2023 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved).

Riley is now 13, the age of puberty. She gets angry over nothing, she becomes extremely sensitive. In short, at the headquarters located in his brain, new emotions appear: Embarrassment, Boredom, Envy and, the most excited of all, Anxiety. Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness and Disgust no longer know how to react. Enough to disturb Riley, who has gone to ice hockey training with her two best friends.

1day1news liked :

– The emotions : Boredom, always with his nose in his cell phone, or Embarrassment, who hides his face at the slightest problem, make you laugh a lot. As for Anxiety, she can’t control herself and, because of her, Riley makes bad decisions. The film thus succeeds in explaining, intelligently and with humor, what is going on in the head of an adolescent girl.
– The hectic pace: the conflict between old and new emotions gives rise to incredible pursuits, in astonishing settings.

Ultraman: Rising

The story


Ken Sato, a baseball superstar, returns to Japan to join a new team, as well as to secretly don the costume of the superhero Ultraman. During a battle, he saves his opponent’s baby, a kaiju, a gigantic monster…

1day1news liked :

– The baby kaiju: he is so cute ! He’s afraid of everything, he looks like a giant bird, he does a lot of damage because of its size and clumsiness. At first annoyed, and overwhelmed, because not knowing at all how to educate him, Ultraman will finally become attached to him.
– The fights : they are spectacular in this animated film based on a famous Japanese series, which has also been the subject of manga, video games… The drawings, too, amaze with their beauty, whether it’s the skyscrapers of Tokyo or the superhero’s futuristic hideout. We’ll be amazed!

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Ciné : une ado submergée par ses émotions et un bébé en danger
Ton score : %%score%% sur %%total%%

Laurent Djian



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