A business mission of around sixty Algerian companies in July in Montreal

A business mission of around sixty Algerian companies in July in Montreal
A business mission of around sixty Algerian companies in July in Montreal

A Canadian delegation made up of several business leaders visited the headquarters of the Algerian Economic Renewal Council (CREA) on Tuesday.

The visit of the Canadian delegation led by the Canadian Ambassador to Algeria, Michael R. Callan, takes place as part of its participation in the 55th edition of the Algiers International Fair (FIA) which is being held from June 24 to 29 current at the Palais des expositions (Pins maritimes) in Algiers, according to the APS.

It allowed Canadian business leaders to meet their Algerian counterparts to discuss business opportunities between the two parties in numerous fields of activity such as the pharmaceutical industry, mining, renewable energies. , agri-food, agriculture and training.

She also intervenes in anticipation of a major business mission of around sixty Algerian companies, from July 7 to 14, in Montreal during which the revitalization of economic, commercial and investment relations with Canada.

A rich program of activities, visits to industrial sites, meetings with institutions and organizations in the Canadian economic and investment ecosystem will be on the program for this mission.

The president of CREA, Mr. Kamal Moula indicated in a statement to APS that the large number of Canadian business leaders who traveled indicates the particular interest they have in the Algerian market, emphasizing on the “attractiveness” of the law on investment in Algeria.

“They come through this meeting to see the business opportunities and we are putting them in contact with their Algerian counterparts to see the business opportunities and the means to develop partnerships,” he said. added.

“Algeria is a country that offers attractive conditions to foreign investors,” said the Canadian ambassador to Algeria.

Mr. Callan estimated that “the Algerian Investment Code offers interesting possibilities to Canadian operators,” noting that the delegation visiting Algeria represented several sectors.

He noted that Canadian investors are interested in various sectors in Algeria, ranging from new technologies to agriculture, aeronautics and training in general.



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