“Drugs and non-consensual sexual acts”: an after-prom evening in Saint-Calixte worries

“Drugs and non-consensual sexual acts”: an after-prom evening in Saint-Calixte worries
“Drugs and non-consensual sexual acts”: an after-prom evening in Saint-Calixte worries

A post-prom party planned for Saturday in Saint-Calixte, in Lanaudière, worries the authorities because of rumors of misdeeds that some participants planned to perpetrate there.

The general director of the Grandes-Seigneuries School Service Center, in Montérégie, as well as the region’s police officers raised awareness among parents of students from nearby secondary schools in a letter sent Tuesday.

Unlike prom evenings which are organized by schools, this after-prom which must take place on June 29 in Saint-Calixte is not supervised by a school establishment.

“The Roussillon Intermunicipal Police Authority has been informed of worrying rumors that disgraceful events were planned by certain individuals, in connection with drugs and non-consensual sexual acts,” we indicate in a communication sent to parents .

“The police take these rumors very seriously and they recommend that you be extremely vigilant and even reconsider the presence of your young person at this evening, if he had planned to be there,” we continue.

An investigation is also underway to determine the accuracy of the information obtained by the authorities.

Police will make arrests if necessary.

“We strongly encourage our students to be careful and remain vigilant during events planned outside the school environment,” the letter states.

“We believe that this is also an opportunity for you, if you have not already done so, to open a dialogue with your child to raise awareness, in particular, of the consequences of excessive consumption and other possible abuse that could have negative repercussions on him or others,” also advises the management of the School Service Center for parents.

For its part, the event organizers, AprèsBal.com, assure that several measures will be in place during this evening to ensure the safety of participants.

“More than 50 security agents will be on the ground, searches for each person will be carried out before entering the site, the Sûreté du Québec will be present on the ground, Public Health will have an information kiosk for prevention on the use of drugs and 72 cameras are installed on the site,” we indicate in a press release.

“We take these so-called planned acts very seriously and we will make sure to increase our vigilance for the better safety of your children,” we add.



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