Valérie Carpentier makes a public appearance after 2 years of absence

“Everything is fine. But there was a point where in my head, it wasn’t rosy. I’m really better,” confided Valérie Carpentier on Monday evening on the red carpet of the premiere of the documentary. I am: Celine Dion at Place des Arts.

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The big winner of the first edition of The voice in 2013, Valérie Carpentierwalked his first red carpet in almost two years, Monday evening, at the Théâtre Maisonneuve.

“From Big Brotherfor me, it was really a moment where I was able to rethink what made me happy in life, taking care of myself and everything,” added the singer who had opened up about her consumption problems on Instagram in 2022, the same year as his participation in reality TV.

“I compose a lot, I’m super happy,” continued the singer-songwriter, who unveiled a new song (Die motherf*cker) last week on the music platform Bandcamp.

Sarah-Émilie Nault

Céline, an inspiration

Valérie Carpentier says she is happy that this first media event – ​​after several years of having withdrawn from public life – is a celebration of Celine Diona singer she admires.

“I was like, ‘OK, I’m ready.’ And then, Céline, I had the incredible chance to meet her for my birthday in Las Vegas in 2016, because I had good contacts. It was so brief because she had interviews before and René was sick at the time. She still took the time to meet us and take beautiful photos with us,” she said.

“For me, it’s his voice. It’s incredible! Grades I’ll never reach (laughter), but all the love she puts into it really inspires me a lot,” continued the artist who launched her first album, The summer of stormsin 2013, then For Rosie in 2016.

The singer launched a real cry from the heart, in September 2022, by opening up about her dependence on stimulants in a series of publications on social networks. She hoped to both document her recovery and encourage people struggling with these same kinds of addictions to talk about it to help them cope.

Does this return to public life and the release of a new musical piece suggest a mini-album or a full opus to come? “To be continued. But my heart is in it,” replied Valérie Carpentier, smiling.

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