Kate Middleton’s appearance deciphered by a body language expert

Kate Middleton’s appearance deciphered by a body language expert
Kate Middleton’s appearance deciphered by a body language expert

DECRYPTION – Four months after the announcement of her cancer, the Princess of Wales finally officially reappeared for Charles III’s birthday. Body language expert Olga Ciesco deciphers for Madame Figaro his attitude, between self-control and forced smiles.

“I’m making progress, but anyone who’s been through chemotherapy knows, there are good days and bad days.” These words, full of sincerity, Kate Middleton shared them a few days ago on her social networks, as if to thank her fans for their unwavering loyalty. Suffering from cancer, his treatment – and its side effects – had until then prevented him from honoring his royal commitments, preferring to continue his convalescence in the tranquility of Adelaide Cottage. But on Saturday June 15, the Princess of Wales finally reappeared on the occasion of Trooping the Color, the official birthday of Charles III. A highly symbolic return, marking the end of six months of media absence. Under the torrential rain that fell that day, his broad smile was addressed to the thousands of sympathizers planted since dawn in front of the gates of Buckingham Palace, in the hope of seeing him. “In the photographs of the event, there is this impression that she is telling us: ‘Look, I am here. I am not dead. I still have my hair, I am still beautiful and strong'”, deciphers For Madame Figaro body language expert Olga Ciesco.

Facade smiles

Kate Middleton during Trooping the Color 2024.
Getty Images

Because the stakes were high for the wife of Prince William, the target of numerous conspiracy theories for several months. Some had earlier speculated – and still do – on a death, while others spoke of a possible divorce with the son of Charles III. In addition to a significant weight loss, Kate appeared this Saturday in her finest regalia, with a dress made for her, an elegant hairstyle and natural makeup. But the expert nevertheless notes some important details: “As always, she is exemplary and it is clear that she plays her role to perfection. On the other hand, she also uses a series of facade smiles, also called “social smiles”, occurring only when there is an interaction. To support her point, she continues: “Real smiles expressed when we are happy create expression lines, particularly crow’s feet at eye level. If Kate Middleton knows how to smile in public, here she will for example show her teeth to give the illusion, we see that she always remains in control and in representation. These are not spontaneous smiles.”

Between calm and stoicism

Kate Middleton arriving by car at Buckingham Palace.

Automatic smiles, one could say, which clash with several photos captured from the boot, where the princess appears in a very different aspect. “It’s interesting, because we actually see that she changes her behavior between the moments when she knows she is being watched and the others where she is more intimate. This shows a form of control,” continues the expert. For example, the image above, captured in a car accompanying him to Buckingham Palace, a few minutes before the military ceremony. “Here, her face is at rest and it seems to me that this is where she appears most authentic,” continues Olga Ciesco. To those who see it as a form of discomfort or weakening, she warns, however: “We must not overinterpret things. Anyone can, if photographed unknowingly, appear rather stoic or dreamy. What is disturbing is that in these images where she is off, her face is really closed, she seems to be in her bubble and this is certainly what most reflects her daily life. These are moments of truth, and there, we feel neither boredom, nor pain, nor joy, nor irritation in his eyes. It’s absolute calm.” A mastery of herself and her emotions which commanded the respect of her fans, seeing in her the dignity and heroism of a queen, like Elizabeth II in bad times. “She’s not in a form of self-pity. And that’s what also makes up his character and his reputation.”

Read alsoKate Middleton caught in the conspiracy web: “We like the idea that the elite would act badly”

Kate Middleton in a carriage taking her to Buckingham.

A truly united couple

Kate and William displaying their complicity during the aerial military parade.
Getty Images

The body language expert also focuses on an image of Kate Middleton and her husband, Prince William, on the Buckingham balcony (above), which has gone viral as it seems so touching. While some saw in the Prince of Wales a protective posture towards his wife, and others gave him pride and relief, Olga Ciesco brushes aside these theories. “To say he’s proud of her the moment he looks at her on the balcony… I wouldn’t say that. When we are proud, we will tend to puff out our chest and put our body forward. Here, it is his head which is inclined towards her, which on the other hand shows gentleness and complicity. The clue to seeing sincerity lies in their proximity. “If they were angry, if their relationship was not going well, as some say, they would smile at each other, of course, but they would not touch each other.” And added: “The fact that their forearms are stuck together is, in my opinion, the real sign of their bonds and their solidarity.”

On Friday June 14, on the eve of Charles III’s birthday, Kate Middleton posted a message on her social networks to provide news on her state of health, thanking her family and fans for their support. support. Stressing that she was still “not out of the woods”, she assured: “I hope to participate in some public engagements during the summer.” His next appearance is therefore only a matter of time.



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