Kate’s return was almost overshadowed by dog ​​food

Princess Kate’s big return to public life on Saturday coincided with the unveiling of new products from American Riviera Orchard, the brand of her sister-in-law and beloved rival, Meghan Markle. watson/getty

After months of discreet teasing, Meghan Markle chose the weekend of her sister-in-law’s triumphant return to the public stage to deploy new products from her brand lifestyle. Just a coincidence? Royal fans don’t believe it.

06/17/2024, 11:5806/17/2024, 12:12

Six years after the first rumors of bitter tears over bridesmaid dresses and upset loans of lip balm, lovers of royal spats have not finished fantasizing about the rivalry between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton. A burning story that the media and Internet users have been happy to stir up and dramatize over the years.

It must, however, be recognized that the Duchess of Sussex knows how to demonstrate a strange sense of timing. The proof just this weekend, on the occasion of Kate’s first public appearance since her cancer diagnosis.

Raspberries and dog food

Remember. Last March, Meghan Markle launched American Riviera Orchard, a brand new lifestyle brand. A joyous mix of crockery, household products, silver cutlery, cookbooks and other domestic pleasures. We don’t know any more. After a great start in the spring, with the sending of 50 jars of strawberry jam to a handful of hand-picked influencers and friends, the website still does not offer anything for sale. While Meghan was quietly active behind the scenes, we had almost forgotten her entrepreneurial ambitions.

Discreetly… Until this Saturday. Barely hours after an unexpected press release from Kate Middleton announcing her presence at the Trooping the Color ceremony, after several months of absence, the duchess was also back. In the form of a jar of jam (raspberry, this time)… and dog food.


Don’t sneer. Treats and other pet supplies are indeed among the products listed in the trademark application for exclusive rights to sell products under the name “American Riviera Orchard.” Furthermore, although the logo does not appear on the “Dog Biscuits” jar, the refined writing matches that of Meghan.

The lucky recipient of these treasures? Nacho Figueras, close friend of Harry and Meghan. So close that the polo player is one of only two individuals to have tasted this extremely exclusive jam flavor, as shown by the serial number on the label. The privilege was well worth a post and an enthusiastic publicity stunt on Instagram.

Calculated trolling?

If some Internet users showed noisy excitement at the unveiling of these new products (still unavailable for purchase, remember), that was all it took for the ardent defenders of Kate and William’s camp to get on their high horse whites.

A friend of the princess immediately strangled himself near the Daily Beast: “Catherine was absolutely incredible. Her statement was extraordinary and her appearance today was graceful and elegant, and she filled people with hope.”

“One can only wonder who would want to ruin the day of someone suffering from cancer! It’s absolutely pathetic.”

An insider, Daily Beast.

After all, it wouldn’t be the first time. Last March, while the Prince and Princess of Wales were facing the worst public relations crisis of their royal career, on the other side of the Atlantic, Meghan took the opportunity to put her new website online. A coincidence which did not fail to make the observers cough.

Faced with these criticisms, Meghan’s camp hastened to refute any malice. The Duchess of Sussex would have had “no influence” on the moment of publication of her friend, assure those close to her. An opinion shared by the public relations expert contacted immediately by the Mirror:

“I don’t think it was done with malicious intent. She had no control over when Nacho Figueras would publish them. And that didn’t eclipse anything”

It would indeed have taken more than a handful of dog food to reduce the shine of the Princess of Wales, on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, this weekend. The fact remains that between the British and American camps, we know it: a touch of trolling is never far away. That’s why we love them.

And since you are obsessed with Kate… More articles on the Princess of Wales

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