In Blois, the festival of all music

In Blois, the festival of all music
In Blois, the festival of all music

As luck would have it, Didier Deschamps’ French team will play its second group match of the European Championship, against the Netherlands, on the evening of the Fête de la Musique. 42e by name.

The streets of downtown Blois will be closed to traffic and secured from 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. to allow everyone to stroll peacefully.

“Not the Oktoberfest”

“The Music Festival is a popular event that brings people together”, indicates Fabienne Quinet, assistant to the cultural city. One reason why the municipality wants to mix “amateur and professional musicians”.

The city of Blois recalled that the advisor responsible for cultural mediation, Cédric Marmuse, is banking on “eclecticism” musical styles, which will be expressed in eight different places.

Hervé Bourit, in cultural affairs for the City, insists on the fact that “The Music Festival is not the Beer Festival”.

Blois will once again give pride of place this year to the practices of young musicians through the “Musiques d’avenir” musical initiation workshops at the Blois-Agglopolys departmental music conservatory. It is the Place de la Résistance which will host these initiatives.

Place Louis-XII, we will find a stage dedicated to world music including Najoi Bel Hadj and his texts in French and Arabic. We will also see the salsa of Cuban Térésa and her group La Charanga Santa Lucia and the highly anticipated performance of Joanne Radao.

The Chato’do will leave its walls and set up on Place Gaudet to offer the people of Blés an evening mixing alternative rock and “dream pop”, while the cloister of the departmental council will welcome choirs from Blois.

The courtyard of the royal castle of Blois will be entirely devoted to the performances of students and teachers from the Blois-Agglopolys departmental music conservatory.

Like every year, the Denis-Papin staircase will be transformed into an electro stage, the Port de la Creusille will offer reggae and the artists of Rue Porte-Côté will delight metal fans!


2 p.m.

> DJ JOSS (clubbing)


3 p.m.

> ” Make music ” (classic)

Saint-François household

4 p.m.

> Lyrical singing class

Temple of Blois

> Dub Action and NCTLB (reggae, dance hall and dub)

“Pause en Loire”, port of Creusille

> Youth LPJC (gospel)

ANA M Restaurant

5:15 p.m.

> Class of transverse flutes

Temple of Blois

5:30 p.m.

> DJ Mitch, DJ 2T and DJ Illéo (open format music)

Bar Le Before

6 p.m.

> Concerts from “current music” workshops of the conservatory and their teachers

Resistance Square

> Piano class

Temple of Blois

> Arthur B (DJ set)

Bar Le Troquet

> DJ Skump, Fat Man, Macks’B and Tak Tal (electro and techno) from the collectives Les Tornades and Avance Rapide

Denis-Papin Staircase

6:25 p.m.

> Mistral Orchestra from the conservatory

Courtyard of the royal castle of Blois

6:30 p.m.

> Mirtohid Radfar (Oriental music)

Comic House

6:50 p.m.

> Zephyr Orchestra from the conservatory

Courtyard of the royal castle of Blois

7 p.m.

>Freaky Beast (alternative rock)

Place Étienne-Gaudet (Chato’do scene)

> Toucabanes (batucada while wandering)

Pedestrian streets in the city center

> Choir Once Upon a Voice

Cloister garden of the Hôtel du Département, Place de la République

7:15 p.m.

> Orchestra Monteverdi from the conservatory

Courtyard of the royal castle of Blois

7:30 p.m.

> Capoeira Mandara (strolling capoeira)

Pedestrian streets in the city center

> Choir Choir and sharing

Cloister garden of the Hôtel du Département, Place de la République

7:40 p.m.

> Vivaldi Orchestra of the conservatory

Courtyard of the royal castle of Blois

8 p.m.

> Najoi Bel Hadj (oriental music)

Place Louis XII

> Cello class

Temple of Blois

>Jash (pop rock)

France Terroir

>Sonic Lag (punk rock)

Nasty music stage, Leclerc cultural space

> Chantelune Choir

Cloister garden of the Hôtel du Département, Place de la République

8:10 p.m.

> Éole Orchestra from the conservatory

Courtyard of the royal castle of Blois

8:45 p.m.

> The Pepperheads (rock from the town of Lewes in Great Britain)

Resistance Square

9 p.m.

> Goji Bae (rock-dream pop)

Place Étienne-Gaudet (Chato’do scene)

> “Make music” (classic)

Temple of Blois

9:15 p.m.

> Scandal (glam rock)

Nasty music stage, Leclerc cultural space

9:30 p.m.

> Joanne Radao (pop song)

Place Louis XII

9:35 p.m.

> The Velo’s (blues-rock and seventies pop)

Ben Blue’s bar

10 p.m.

> Mitho Kanywa (indie pop rock, Waldshut-Tiengen, Germany)

Resistance Square

> Choir Head in the air

Temple of Blois

11 p.m.

> The Charanga Santa Lucia (Cuban party)

Place Louis XII

> Sirajis (alternative rock)

Nasty music stage, Leclerc cultural space

> Uncut (rock-blues)

Pace Étienne-Gaudet (Chato’do scene)

> Mandoumongo (folkloric and traditional music from Congo)

Temple of Blois

> Video and music mapping of the students of the École des Gobelins

Courtyard of the royal castle of Blois

> Alefa (“the art of first times”), by apprentice musicians and students of the Alefa coaching school

Resistance Square

The history of the Fête de la Musique

What is the origin of the Fête de la Musique?

  • Jack Lang, then Minister of Culture, launched the first edition of the Fête de la Musique in France in 1982 but the real history of this event dates back to 1976.
  • Joël Cohen, American musician, then worked for the music channel France music. To celebrate the winter solstice and the summer solstice, he is offering a special musical program broadcast throughout the night which he will call the “Saturnalia of music”. The first edition took place on June 21, 1976.
  • Jack Lang and Maurice Fleuret (former director of music and dance at the ministry) were inspired by this event to create the Fête de la Musique, whose title was initially “Make music!” “. The objective is to encourage amateurs to perform in France. And success quickly came. On June 21, 1982, the day of the first official Music Festival, musicians invaded the bars, parks and streets to the delight of citizens.
  • This year again, the program is rich in Blois where Jack Lang was mayor from 1983 to 1989.


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