Cannes Lions: Telex of June 17 – Image

Some information in this new “Telex” format. From what we saw and heard on this first day. Information necessarily subjective and not exhaustive. Which does not mean futile.

The Print & Publishing category will, in 2025, undergo a facelift. It was Simon Cook, the boss of Cannes Lions who said this at a press conference. In fact, the number of registered cases is in constant decline: the festival recorded 1,252 entries in 2019. A figure revised downwards in 2020/2021 (1,012 entries) as well as in 2022 (795 entries). A slight increase was observed in 2023 (814 entries). This year, the category recorded 734 entries.

♦ “Post Purpose Era”…This is the expression used at a press conference by Marco Venturelli of Publicis, president of the Outdoor category this year. But what does that mean? We understood that after very high “purposes” – like changing the world – the big brands (especially) return to a basic purpose: selling their products. The consumer is much less stupid than we think.

♦ The category “Audio & Radio” is no longer “Radio & Audio” like last year. For the 2024 edition of Cannes Lions, this small name change reflects a desire to focus on audio.

♦ “We Are All Immigrants”… This is the name of a masterclass which was held on the terrace of the Palais des Festivals. Agnieszka Holland, director of the film “The Green Border” (Special Jury Prize in Venice) was present to tell the tragedy of a family of Syrian migrants. Jerzy Hołub, Marketing Director of Mastercard, looked back on the “Where To Settle” operation which helped thousands of refugees find new accommodation in Poland. An operation awarded a Gold in the Direct category last year.

To finish a photo taken on the interior door of the…toilets of the Palais des Festivals ;). The Cannes Lions organization warns of possible declines in mental health. “Mental First Aiders” are there for participants. As well as “Quiet Zones” where phones and computers are prohibited. Sometimes people break down because the pace is so fast and the excitement of the competition is great. In addition, the vast majority of the 12,000 participants crossed the planet to come to the Croisette.

(© Amelle Nebia)


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